Focusing on World Peace and Stable Development and Contributing to China’s Smart China Program (100 foreign political party politicians see the CCP)

  Figure 1: Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey.

Figure ②: Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar.

Fig. 3: awad, deputy editor-in-chief and expert on international issues.

Figure ④: Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Socialist Party of Niger.

Information picture

  Montenegro North-South Expressway Project undertaken by China enterprises. image china

  From reform and opening up to overall poverty alleviation, from building the Community of Shared Future for Mankind concept to building a "the belt and road initiative", under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China not only strode forward on the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also continuously contributed China wisdom and China plan to world peace, stability and development, which won universal recognition from international people.

  Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar — —

  Based on the long-term, promote the continuous development of China.

  Our reporter Li Bingxin Zhou Zhuobin

  "I have been to many places in China, and I personally realized that the Communist Party of China (CPC) kept in mind the iron oath. I saw with my own eyes that the Communist Party of China (CPC) would not let a minority brother fall behind and always let the people of the whole country get rid of poverty and get rich together." Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar, has been paying close attention to the development of China. He said, "The deeper you know about China, the more you admire the Communist Party of China (CPC). I deeply feel that we and the people of China are a community of destiny. "

  Wu Wending knows a lot about China’s development achievements. He has been paying close attention to the Communist Party of China (CPC) news for a long time and kept close communication with his counterparts in China media. In recent years, he has reported on the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the world’s political parties, and has come to China for many times to participate in the "the belt and road initiative" media cooperation forum and the Lancang River — Media exchange activities such as Mekong River Cooperation Media Summit. In 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and People’s Daily, Wu Wending participated in the "Asian Mainstream Media Investigation Group" and went to Beijing and Gansu for interviews and exchanges. What I saw and heard in China gave Wu Wending a deep understanding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling philosophy. In Wu Wending’s view, it is under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that great changes have taken place in China from poverty and weakness in the past to prosperity and strength now.

  During the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wu Wending came to China and made a lot of reports on many topics, such as ecological environment protection, grassroots pension, coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and media integration development. After visiting the large-scale achievement exhibition of "Five Years of Hard Work", Wu Wending expressed sincere admiration for the brilliant achievements made by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in leading the people of China, and wrote a poem entitled "Red Star Shining in China" to express his admiration for the Communist Party of China (CPC). “‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) comes from the people, lives for the people and prospers for the people ’ ‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a party that strives for happiness for the people of China, and it is also a party that strives for the cause of human progress ’ I think that the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s feelings for the people are well reflected in these words. " He said.


  Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey — —

  Benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  Our reporter Wang Chuanbao

  "The secret of China’s rapid growth into the world’s second largest economy lies in the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s strong leadership." Aken Suwell, Chairman of the Turkish Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Research, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion, cannot move towards development and prosperity without effective policies and development roadmap formulated by the Communist Party of China (CPC).

  Suwell has been engaged in journalism for more than 20 years and interviewed leaders of many countries. He is a well-known current affairs critic in Turkey. In 1998, Sewell became the chairman of the Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Studies and founded the Eurasian Economic Summit, aiming at establishing a dialogue mechanism and promoting regional dispute settlement and peaceful development.

  Su Wei’s unique life experience gave him a profound understanding of human development. He believed that the Communist Party of China (CPC) had distinct principles and characteristics, always adhered to the people-oriented development concept, and made unremitting efforts to promote equality of rights, opportunities and rules, which won wide support from the people. The people believe in the Party, and the Party takes the people as the center. The benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  In 2013, China put forward the initiative of building a "the belt and road initiative" by coordinating the overall situation at home and abroad and focusing on the future of human development. This initiative follows the principle of co-construction, co-construction and sharing, and is strongly recognized by Sowell. He said, "the belt and road initiative" is an important peace project, which closely links the east and west ends of Asia, promotes economic cooperation and cultural integration, and lays a new foundation for human civilization and progress. "Build ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ It is not only the need to develop the economy and achieve a win-win situation, but also the requirement of the times and peace. " In order to deeply understand and study how to build a "the belt and road initiative", Sowell visited China for more than 10 times, exchanged ideas with China scholars, and introduced them to people from all walks of life after returning home. In the opening speech of the 22nd Eurasian Economic Summit held in 2019, Sowell repeatedly mentioned the joint construction of "the belt and road initiative", and this initiative became one of the important topics of the summit.

  Sowell said that last year, in the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, the China government quickly took effective measures to control the spread of the epidemic, and became the only major economy in the world that achieved positive economic growth, fully demonstrating its institutional advantages. Sowell told reporters that he and his wife were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine from China. He said with emotion: "In this fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the government and people of China not only fought for their own country, but also provided a lot of support and help to other countries in the world, such as vaccines, medicines and equipment from COVID-19. China’s concept of building Community of Shared Future for Mankind is becoming an ideological driving force to encourage countries to work together to deal with the epidemic. "

  Sewell pointed out that it is a great historical achievement for a political party to last for a hundred years. As a century-old party, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is full of infinite vitality. I believe that with its unremitting efforts, China will make new contributions to the development of human civilization.

  Awad, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Sudan’s Shout and an expert on international issues — —

  An active and promising member of the international community.

  Our reporter Shang Kaiyuan




  Awad visited China for the first time in 2016 and participated in the first Asian-African Youth Festival. This experience provided him with an opportunity to get to know China on the spot. "The people of China have many advantages, such as seriousness and perseverance." Since then, he has visited China many times to participate in exchange activities, and his understanding of China is getting deeper and deeper. In awad’s view, the people of China are eager to know the world and hope to build a bridge of cooperation. the Communist Party of China (CPC) has also carried out constructive exchanges with political parties of various countries to promote cooperation and mutual trust between countries. "the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the largest political party in the world, and many political parties want to know their practical experience accumulated on the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation." Awad said.

  Awad was deeply touched by China’s efforts to strengthen cooperation among countries in the world. China proposed to build a "the belt and road initiative" to promote policy communication, facilities connectivity, smooth trade, financial intermediation and popular support among countries. He said: "China is committed to pursuing common interests, realizing the common well-being of people of all countries and building a better world."

  During the epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, China launched an initiative of uniting against the epidemic to the world, helping other countries to fight the epidemic with practical actions. Awad said: "This highlights that China is an active member of the international community and has a great influence on the just cause of the international community." At present, global economic recovery requires countries, especially major economies, to strengthen cooperation, and awad expects China to play a greater role in it.

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of Niger People’s Socialist Party — —

  Not only maintain historical continuity, but also keep pace with the times.

  Our reporter Qiang Wei

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha is the Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Niger ruling Party for Democracy and Socialism (PDPS) and the Director of the Archives Department of the Ministry of National Defense. In an interview with reporters recently, he said that he sincerely admired the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s century-long development. "Especially during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world saw more clearly the institutional advantages of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the People’s Socialist Party also regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a role model for political parties."

  In July 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Gagaha led a youth delegation of the People’s Socialist Party to visit China and visit Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu and other cities. Before the visit, the members of the delegation knew little about China, especially the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling style. "Through this visit, we found that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the socialist democracy promoted by China is the most extensive, authentic and effective democracy. In China, the equal rights of the people are effectively guaranteed, and people of all ethnic groups are represented in the national legislature, and their legitimate rights and interests in all aspects can be safeguarded. " Gagaha said that another feature of China’s socialist democracy is the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC). "This system unites all forces to the greatest extent and breaks down obstacles for the sustainable development of China."



  In the interview, Gagaha told a story around him: "I chatted with a stranger while drinking tea at a street tea stall the other day. He told me that we should thank China. It is because of China that we can now have motorcycles running all over the street, watch TV and listen to radios that can be bought for one or two thousand CFA francs (about one hundred and twenty yuan). " Gagaha said: "This shows the influence of China on the development of Niger and Africa. The process of global industrialization has already started, but ordinary people in African countries have really begun to enjoy industrialized products more generally, which is inseparable from the role and influence of China’s rapid development in recent decades. "

  "The People’s Socialist Party has always regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a rare true partner. We know that China and the Communist Party of China (CPC) really care about African countries and are really willing to help us develop. " Gagaha said with emotion.

  Layout design: Shen Yiling