Reporter investigation: It is difficult to return to taxi hailing in various places. What should be done to reflect on the new policy of online car hailing?

   CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu, Li Wenliang, Wang Xiaoying, Gao Yuting, Intern, Qi Chenji) "It has always been suggested that there are no cars nearby." This is a common feeling among many citizens who choose to ride online recently. Even during off-peak hours, it is not easy to take a taxi, and "the time to call a car has become longer" is becoming the norm in many cities.

  Data from Didi Chuxing shows that the difficulty of hailing a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has increased to varying degrees. In June this year, the difficulty of morning and evening peak taxi hailing in four places increased by 12.4%, 17.7%, 13.2% and 22.5% respectively compared with the same period last year. In Beijing, after the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing, the passenger order of online car-hailing platforms fell by about 10%.

  A year after the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, there are various signs that the previously surprising golden period of online car-hailing development is rapidly coming to an end. In some cities, online car-hailing is difficult to get, and drivers must increase their fares to accept orders. And the behavior of traditional taxis such as refusal and bargaining has not been significantly improved by the legalization of online car-hailing.

  What’s wrong with the online car-hailing market, and how should it be managed? Can returning to "taxi-hailing difficulty" make relevant departments reflect on the new policy?

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

  Online taxi: "There are no cars available nearby"

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport and seven ministries jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). China became the first country in the world to recognize the legal status of online car-hailing nationwide. Subsequently, detailed implementation rules have been issued in various parts of China. According to media statistics, 133 cities have announced new policies on online car-hailing.

  Recently, CCTV reporters visited the online car-hailing market in many cities in China and found that the number of online car-hailing has decreased significantly since the implementation of the New Deal for more than a year, making it difficult to take a taxi.

  From August 19th to 22nd, the reporter tried to play Didi Express at different times and locations in Beijing for three consecutive days. Only around 10 am on the 19th, a driver took the order at Chaoyangmen Subway Station in Chaoyang District and came within two minutes. The rest of the time, such as the morning peak on the 21st, at Landianchang South Road, Haidian District, the order with Didi Express has always been displayed as "no car available nearby"; at 7 pm on the 22nd, at the south of Hangkong Bridge, Didi Express also displayed "no car available nearby".

  At the same time in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter used Didi to take a taxi many times with only one success. At 7:30 am on the 22nd, Yanzi West Road, with Didi to call an order, no one took the order twice in a row, showing "no car available nearby". At around 8 o’clock, there was still no one taking the order at the intersection of Ping and Shandong University, which also showed "no car available nearby". In addition, the reporter also found in real time in many other areas that the mobile phone client side showed that the express train "There are fewer vehicles nearby and the waiting time is long". Only at 3 pm on the 22nd, the reporter used Didi to call a taxi near Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.

  At around 3:00 pm on August 24, the reporter used Didi Taxi to book a taxi in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and tried three times without anyone taking the order. Then he used Didi Express four times, each time at an interval of 5 minutes, and still no one answered. Most of the time, the map showed that there were no vehicles nearby.

  That day in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, the reporter sent out orders during off-peak hours. The mobile phone software showed that the vehicle would arrive within 1 to 4 minutes, making it easier to take a taxi. However, in places slightly away from the city, such as Beita Lake, Huabo Park, and Shenyang Road, no one answered the order after 1 minute.

  Why is it not easy to play online car-hailing? The subsidy is less, and the threshold is higher.

  Compared with the "golden period" two years ago, online car-hailing is obviously not so easy to get. What is the reason?

  Mr. Zong, 33, lives in the high-tech zone of Jinan City. He is a part-time driver of Didi Express and has been driving fast for more than a year. At first, he took the car to join the express team because his friend had a good income from driving fast. He said that at that time, because of various subsidies, his income was very good. At one point, he wanted to quit his job to drive fast. The most impressive order was to pull passengers to catch the train during peak hours, and the customer gave 2.5 times the reward.

  But this year, the "money scene" has begun to dim. He is glad that he did not quit his job. Many of his friends who drove fast cars in the past have already found other jobs. Mr. Zong believes that the main reason for the current lack of online car-hailing is that subsidies are less, and driving cannot earn money.

  "Sometimes I work until the early morning at night, and sometimes I can earn about 100 yuan for running on weekends. If I make this money, if I get a violation of regulations or something, I won’t be able to scratch it." Mr. Zong said that in the future, it will depend on how the implementation rules of Jinan are determined. According to the requirements in the exposure draft, his own private car will definitely not meet the conditions, and the cost will definitely increase greatly if it is converted to a operating vehicle. If it is not cost-effective, it will not be opened.

  Mr. Li of Yinchuan, Ningxia, has been running an express car for three years with his own 50,000 yuan private car. He chose to change careers this year because "there is no subsidy and he can’t make money." Mr. Li told reporters that many people buy cars worth tens of thousands of yuan to run Didi Express. According to the rules, the peers he knows are not up to standard.

  A staff member of an online car-hailing agency in Yinchuan City told reporters that the current Didi platform has begun to block the express numbers of substandard vehicles one after another. Among the drivers of Didi Express in Yinchuan, 80% of the cars or drivers do not meet the online car-hailing standards.

  The decrease in the number of online car-hailing, on the one hand, makes consumers feel that the car is not easy to play, but also makes other express drivers who choose to stay feel better. In Beijing, Yu Sijia, who was born in 1989, has been driving online car-hailing for a year and a half. At the end of last year, he successfully obtained the online car-hailing driver qualification certificate with a high score of 90 points. He told reporters that even if he has a good order income on weekdays, he still likes to take orders at night, because there are fewer owners who come out to take orders than in the past.

  Mr. Yang of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, who bought an Audi A4 sports car, said that compared with the past, there are significantly fewer people in sports cars, and the work is easier than before, because the threshold has been raised. "You drive a car with tens of thousands of dollars to run a special car. To be honest, it is not fair to us. Fortunately, many people quit after the details came out."

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  Expert consultation: The threshold should be kept as low as possible

  Is it right to strictly control online car-hailing through high thresholds? Is there any indisputable place in the new policy of online car-hailing?

  According to data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 130 online car-hailing platform companies planning to carry out online car-hailing business, and 19 online car-hailing platform companies have obtained business licenses in relevant cities, but only 100,000 online car-hailing driver licenses have been issued in various places. On the demand side, as of December last year, the number of online taxi booking users reached 225 million. A mere 100,000 licensed online car-hailing drivers are facing the demand of more than 200 million people. Even with taxis, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is also very sharp.

  "The regulations of’Beijing Renjing License ‘and’Shanghai Renren Shanghai License’ have caused a large number of original online car-hailing drivers to be unable to continue on the road, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand," Ye Qing, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told CCTV. Professor Ye Qing has written to the National Two Sessions for eight consecutive years to demand "bus reform" and is known as the first person in China’s bus reform. He said: "The management department has relatively high requirements for online car-hailing, but I think there is a way to solve this problem, that is, what is the standard of taxis in the city? The standard of online car-hailing is based on this standard, which is not lower than or parallel to the taxi standard, because a city’s taxis should pay attention to both economy and safety."

  Ye Qing said that too harsh conditions are suspected of being unfair. As long as the driver of the online car-hailing car has no illegal record and meets the driving age and other conditions, he can drive the online car-hailing car after passing the test. "To improve the online car-hailing system, especially when formulating regulations at the local level, the threshold should be lowered as much as possible."

  Cheng Huiqiang, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, also said in an interview with the media that the government should conduct big data analytics and urban transportation capacity assessments while strengthening supervision, so that the transportation capacity can be matched with the city’s transportation operation to meet the public’s travel needs.

  Xu Kangming, the Ministry of Transport’s chief expert on deepening taxi reform, told the media that if the city’s transportation capacity can be fully tapped, the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties can be solved. He believes that the transportation capacity of cruise taxis and compliant online car-hailing has not been fully released. It is necessary to let the full potential of legal compliance be realized, and at the same time, it is necessary to allow some time for vehicles and personnel that meet the new regulations to enter the market.

Another wave of Shenzhen traffic news is coming, so you should pay attention to these when traveling …

It’s a cool autumn,

This weather is suitable for going out to play.

Come and have a look before you go out.

Some good news about Shenzhen traffic recently.

Banyin channel project

It is expected to be completed by the end of next year.

Riverside Avenue pavement repair and traffic improvement project has been completed,

Good news came from the second phase of Metro Line 6.

The most beautiful sea route in Shenzhen resumed operation,

Four direct flights were opened at the end of the month.

Sakaguchi Yintong will be completed by the end of the year.

The intersection of Beihuan Avenue and Shangbu Interchange was closed for 135 days.

The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Communications Commission that from now on, the intersection of the main road of Beihuan Avenue and Shangbu Interchange will be closed until January 9 next year to make way for the accelerated construction of the Banyin Passage. The Shenzhen Municipal Communications Commission announced on October 15th that the Banyin Channel Project is expected to be completed by the end of next year according to the current progress of the project.

General plan renderings of Banyin Channel

It is understood that the Banyin Passage Project starts from the north side of Huangmugang Interchange in the south and is arranged along the west side of Beihuan Avenue via Nigang Interchange in the north. After crossing Beihuan Avenue, it crosses Jinhu Reservoir by sinking the tunnel, continues to cross Yinhu Road into Jigongshan, crosses xiamen-shenzhen railway Meilin Tunnel, crosses Nanping Expressway after leaving the tunnel, connects Banxuegang Avenue to the north, and finally reaches the intersection of Huancheng South Road. The main line is 10.7 kilometers long. A new Jigongshan tunnel (with a total length of 8,856 meters on the left and right lines) and an interchange at the North Ring Road will be built, and two interchanges at Nigang North Ring Road and Nanping Banxuegang will be rebuilt.

Present situation of the intersection of Beihuan Avenue and Shangbu Interchange

In order to smoothly promote the construction of Banyin Passage, from now on, the five lanes of the main road in Yinhu section of Beihuan Avenue (eastbound) will be adjusted to three lanes, and the one-lane auxiliary road will be adjusted to two lanes. The three eastbound main lanes can only go to Nigang East Road (Buji direction), and the original main lane of North Ring Road will be closed to Shangbu Road and Nigang West Road (Huafu Road). The closing time is expected to be January 9 next year. Vehicles passing through this section can turn at Huanggang Interchange to the auxiliary road of Beijiashan Waterworks (eastbound), and take the right auxiliary road at Yinhu exit of Beihuan Avenue (eastbound) or other surrounding roads.

Regarding the progress of the construction of the Banyin Channel, which the public is most concerned about, the Shenzhen Municipal Communications Commission revealed that as of October 15, there were 59 cast-in-place box girders in the superstructure of the Banyin Channel Bridge, 32 of which have been completed, and 54.2% have been completed; There are 18 steel box girders, 6 of which have been completed, accounting for 33.3%. In terms of tunnels, the left tunnel of Banyin Channel Tunnel is 4,346 meters long, and the actual completion is 2,811 meters, and the right tunnel is 4,435 meters long, and the actual completion is 2,936 meters, with a cumulative completion of 65.4%; Inclined shaft excavation and support 740m. "According to the current progress of the project, the Banyin Channel project is expected to be completed by the end of next year." (Shenzhen News Network reporter Tu Sheng)

Work is not blocked!

Pavement repair and traffic improvement works of Binhe Avenue have been completed.

On October 15th, the Municipal Communications Commission released a message saying that recently, the main road surface of Binhe Avenue pavement repair and traffic improvement project was completed and opened to traffic. At present, the construction of auxiliary roads and sidewalks is stepping up. The Municipal Transportation Facilities Bureau made full use of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, increased the input of resources, overcame the impact of the strong typhoon on the construction, and organized the contractors to concentrate on completing the asphalt paving of the main roads on the north and south sides. Considering the huge traffic flow on Binhe Avenue, the asphalt paving operation time is night construction (from 22: 00 to 6: 00 the next day).

It is reported that the total length of Binhe Avenue is about 9.975 kilometers, from Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway Interchange to Baoan South Road, which is an important east-west expressway in Shenzhen. Affected by the construction of Chunfeng Tunnel, the actual improved section is the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway Interchange Shangbu Interchange, with a length of about 8.6 kilometers.

The construction contents of Binhe Avenue pavement repair and traffic improvement project mainly include: replacing the central collision wall of the road, transforming the mud concrete pavement into asphalt concrete pavement, so as to achieve the effects of environmental protection, noise reduction and improving driving comfort, and upgrading the road slow-moving system, including improving the facilities such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes. At present, the construction is progressing smoothly, and the auxiliary roads and sidewalks are being stepped up. (Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan)

"The hero is sad at Meilin Pass" will become history! Good news came from the second phase of Metro Line 6

There is a popular saying in Shenzhen: "Heroes feel sad about Meilin Pass", but this sentence may become history in 2020. There is good news from the second phase of Line 6, and you can understand it by looking at the picture.

The second phase of Metro Line 6 has a total length of about 11.8 kilometers, including 7 stations and 7 sections, and 4 transfer stations. The line leads from the reserved viaduct project of Shenzhen North Station, passes through Longhua, Futian and Luohu districts, and finally ends at Science Museum Station. According to the plan, the second phase and the first phase of Shenzhen Metro Line 6 are scheduled to be completed and opened to traffic simultaneously in 2020.

The double-line tunnel in Hanyin section (Hanling Station-Yinhu Station) of the second phase project of Metro Line 6 runs smoothly. It became the first double-line running-through section of the whole line, laying a solid foundation for the smooth completion of subsequent construction nodes.

The left and right lines of Hanyin tunnel, which runs through the double lines, are 3666 meters long. It is a horseshoe-shaped cross-section tunnel, which is constructed by mining method, and is the longest underground tunnel section in the whole line.

The project broke ground in July 2016 and was completed on October 12, 2018.

The next step will be to speed up the construction of the second lining, so as to strengthen the support, optimize the waterproof and drainage system of the route, beautify the appearance and facilitate the installation of facilities such as communication, lighting and monitoring. It is planned to complete the construction of the main structure project in January 2019, providing conditions for the subsequent track laying and station decoration. Finally, I will inform you.

Overall progress of the second phase of Line 6

79% of the main station, 55% of the shield tunnel, 54% of the TBM tunnel, 91.5% of the underground tunnel and 53% of the main structure of the Minle parking lot were completed. (Shenzhen Communications Commission)

One day left!

The most beautiful sea route in Shenzhen will meet you again.

On October 15th, Yantian Golden Coast Wharf issued an announcement that Yantian Golden Coast Wharf was seriously damaged by typhoon Mangosteen, and the traffic route from Yantian to South Australia and the sightseeing route of "Looking at Yantian at Sea" were forced to be interrupted. The Golden Coast Wharf in Yantian has been restored, and the sightseeing route of "Looking at Yantian at Sea" and the traffic route from Yantian to South Australia will be fully resumed on October 17th.

Time and price list of public transport flights from Yantian Golden Coast Wharf to South Australia Shuangyong Wharf

I. Flight time:

Second, the airline fare:

Third, special instructions:

1. Children who are more than 1.2 meters in height but not more than 1.5 meters should buy half a ticket. Those who are more than 1.5 meters should buy a full ticket. Each adult passenger can carry a child who is not more than 1.2 meters in height free of charge. If there is more than one person, half a ticket should be purchased according to the number of people who exceed it.

2, the elderly over 60 years old (including 60 years old), with valid documents can buy half a ticket.

Hotline: 0755-25206738, 0755-25209738.  

Ticket sales method: online e-commerce platform window on-site ticket sales.

Four direct flights will be opened at the end of this month.

Among them, the flight to Linzhi is the only direct flight from Shenzhen to Tibet.

On October 15, China Southern Airlines held a new flight season plan release and a new route promotion meeting in Shenzhen to release the 2018 winter and spring flight season plan that started on October 28. The reporter learned from the meeting that China Southern Airlines will open four new domestic and international routes from Shenzhen to Dubai, Yangon, Yan ‘an and Linzhi from October 28th. So far, the number of domestic navigation points originating from Shenzhen of China Southern Airlines has increased to 60, and there are 17 international (regional) navigation points.

In the new season, China Southern Airlines transformed the Shenzhen-Wuhan-Dubai flight into a direct flight from Shenzhen to Dubai. From October 28th, every Wednesday and Sunday, the Airbus A330 of China Southern Airlines will take Shenzhen citizens to Dubai.

Shenzhen-Yangon route is another important international route newly opened by China Southern Airlines in Shenzhen. There is a Shenzhen-Yangon flight every Monday, March and March in the new aviation season. In this winter and spring season, China Southern Airlines will open new destinations such as Yan ‘an, Linzhi, Yantai and Daqing. The Shenzhen-Yan ‘an route, which is implemented every Monday, is one of the key domestic routes opened by China Southern Airlines in the new season. The Shenzhen-Linzhi route, which opened in the new shipping season, is the only direct route from Shenzhen to Tibet Plateau. (Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Chen Faqing)

Content sources: Shenzhen News Network, Shenzhen Business Daily, Shenzhen Evening News and Shenzhen Communications Commission.

Editor: Wu Junxia

Review: Shi Xiangdong

Please indicate the source for reprinting.

Hawking’s speech in Beijing: Artificial intelligence may also be the terminator of human civilization.

  On April 27th, the famous physicist stephen hawking gave a video speech at the Global Mobile Internet Conference held in Beijing. In his speech, Hawking reiterated that the rise of artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing for human beings. He believes that human beings need to be alert to the threat of artificial intelligence development. Because once the artificial intelligence breaks away from the bondage and redesigns itself in an accelerating state, human beings will not be able to compete with it because of the limitation of long biological evolution, thus being replaced.

  The following is Hawking’s speech:

  In my life, I have witnessed profound changes in society. One of the most profound changes, which has an increasing influence on human beings, is the rise of artificial intelligence. To put it simply, I think the rise of powerful artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing in human history. I have to say, whether it is good or bad is still uncertain. But we should do our best to ensure that its future development is beneficial to us and our environment. We have no choice. I think the development of artificial intelligence itself is a trend with problems, and these problems must be solved now and in the future.

  The research and development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. Maybe all of us should pause for a moment and shift our research duplication from improving the ability of artificial intelligence to maximizing the social benefits of artificial intelligence. Based on this consideration, american association for artificial intelligence (AAAI) set up a forum on the long-term future of artificial intelligence in 2008-2009, and they have recently invested a lot of attention in the purpose-oriented neutral technology. But our artificial intelligence system needs to work according to our will. Interdisciplinary research is a possible way forward: it extends from economics, law and philosophy to computer security, formal methods and, of course, various branches of artificial intelligence itself.

  Everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence. I believe that there is no essential difference between what the biological brain can achieve and what the computer can achieve. Therefore, it follows the principle that computers can imitate human intelligence in theory and then surpass it. But we are not sure, so we can’t know whether we will be helped by artificial intelligence indefinitely, despised and marginalized, or probably destroyed by it. Indeed, we are worried that smart machines will be able to replace the jobs that human beings are doing and quickly eliminate millions of jobs.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  In January 2015, I signed an open letter on artificial intelligence with elon musk, a technology entrepreneur, and many other artificial intelligence experts, with the aim of advocating serious research on the impact of artificial intelligence on society. Before this, elon musk warned people that superhuman artificial intelligence may bring immeasurable benefits, but if it is not deployed properly, it may bring the opposite effect to human beings. I am with him on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Institute for the Future of Life, an organization to alleviate the existing risks faced by mankind, and the aforementioned open letter was also drafted by this organization. This open letter calls for direct research that can prevent potential problems, at the same time, it also gains the potential benefits brought by artificial intelligence, and at the same time, it is committed to making artificial intelligence researchers pay more attention to artificial intelligence security. In addition, for policy makers and the general public, this open letter is informative and not alarmist. Everyone knows that artificial intelligence researchers are seriously thinking about these concerns and ethical issues, and we think this is very important. For example, artificial intelligence has the potential to eradicate diseases and poverty, but researchers must be able to create controllable artificial intelligence. The open letter with only four paragraphs entitled "Priority should be given to the study of powerful and beneficial artificial intelligence" made detailed arrangements for the research priorities in its attached 12-page document.

  In the past 20 years, artificial intelligence has been focusing on the problems arising from the construction of intelligent agents, that is, various systems that can perceive and act in specific environments. In this case, intelligence is a rational concept related to statistics and economics. Generally speaking, this is the ability to make good decisions, plans and inferences. Based on these works, a large number of integration and cross-breeding have been applied in artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, cybernetics, neuroscience, and other fields. The establishment of sharing theoretical framework, combined with the ability of data supply and processing, has achieved remarkable success in various subdivided fields. Such as speech recognition, image classification, automatic driving, machine translation, gait movement and question answering system.

  With the development of these fields, a virtuous circle is formed from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies. Even a small performance improvement will bring huge economic benefits, and then encourage longer-term and greater investment and research. At present, it is widely recognized that the research of artificial intelligence is developing steadily, and its influence on society is likely to expand, and its potential benefits are enormous. Since everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence; We can’t predict what we may achieve when this intelligence is amplified by artificial intelligence tools. However, as I said, it is not impossible to eradicate disease and poverty. Because of the great potential of artificial intelligence, it is very important to study how to benefit and avoid risks.

  Now, the research on artificial intelligence is developing rapidly. This study can be discussed in the short and long term. Some short-term concerns are about driverless driving, from civilian drones to autonomous vehicles. For example, in an emergency, a driverless car has to choose between a big accident with small risk and a small accident with high probability. Another concern is lethal intelligent autonomous weapons. Should they be banned? If so, how to define "autonomy" accurately. If not, how to be accountable for any improper use and fault. There are other concerns. Artificial intelligence can gradually interpret the privacy and concerns caused by a large number of monitoring data, and how to manage the economic impact caused by artificial intelligence replacing jobs.

  The long-term concern is mainly the potential risk that the artificial intelligence system is out of control. With the rise of super intelligence that does not follow human wishes, that powerful system threatens human beings. Is it possible to have such a misplaced result? If so, how did these situations arise? What kind of research should we invest in order to better understand and solve the possibility of the rise of dangerous super intelligence, or the emergence of intelligent outbreaks?

  At present, the tools to control artificial intelligence technology, such as reinforcement learning and simple and practical functions, are not enough to solve this problem. Therefore, we need further research to find and confirm a reliable solution to control this problem.

  Recent milestones, such as the self-driving car mentioned earlier and the artificial intelligence winning the Go game, are all signs of future trends. Huge investment has been poured into this technology. What we have achieved now is bound to be dwarfed by what we may achieve in the next few decades. And we are far from predicting what we can achieve when our minds are magnified by artificial intelligence. Perhaps with the help of this new technological revolution, we can solve the damage caused by some industrialization to nature. All aspects of our lives are about to be changed. In short, the success of artificial intelligence may be the biggest event in the history of human civilization.

  But artificial intelligence may also be the end of human civilization, unless we learn how to avoid danger. I once said that the all-round development of artificial intelligence may lead to the extinction of mankind, such as maximizing the use of intelligent autonomous weapons. Earlier this year, I and some scientists from all over the world supported its ban on nuclear weapons at the United Nations meeting. We are anxiously awaiting the result of the negotiation. At present, nine nuclear powers can control about 14,000 nuclear weapons, and any one of them can raze cities. Radioactive waste will pollute farmland in a large area, and the most terrible harm is to induce nuclear winter. Fire and smoke will lead to the global Little Ice Age. This result has caused the global food system to collapse, with doomsday turmoil, which is likely to lead to the death of most people. As scientists, we bear a special responsibility for nuclear weapons, because it is scientists who invented them and found that their influence is more terrible than originally expected.

  At this stage, my discussion of disasters may have frightened everyone present. I’m sorry. But as today’s participants, it is important for you to recognize your position in the future research and development that will affect the current technology. I believe that we are United to call for the support of international treaties or sign open letters to governments of various countries, and scientific and technological leaders and scientists are doing their utmost to avoid the uncontrollable rise of artificial intelligence.

  Last October, I set up a new organization in Cambridge, England, trying to solve some inconclusive problems in the rapid development of artificial intelligence research. "Livelihoom Intelligent Future Center" is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to studying the intelligent future, which is crucial to the future of our civilization and species. We spend a lot of time studying history and going deep into it — — Mostly about stupid history. So it is a gratifying change that people turn to study the future of intelligence. Although we are aware of the potential dangers, I am still optimistic, and I believe that the potential benefits of creating intelligence are enormous. Perhaps with the help of this tool of new technological revolution, we will be able to reduce the harm caused by industrialization to nature.

  Every aspect of our lives will be changed Hugh Prince, my colleague in the graduate school, admitted that the Livelihoom Center was established in part because the university established the Center for Existential Risk. The latter examines the potential problems of human beings more widely, while the focus of the Livelihood Center is relatively narrow.

  The latest development of artificial intelligence, including the European Parliament’s call for drafting a series of regulations to manage the innovation of robots and artificial intelligence. Surprisingly, there is a form of electronic personality involved to ensure the rights and responsibilities of the most capable and advanced artificial intelligence. A spokesman for the European Parliament commented that as more and more fields in daily life are increasingly influenced by robots, we need to ensure that robots serve mankind now and in the future. The report submitted to members of the European Parliament clearly believes that the world is at the forefront of the new industrial robot revolution. It may be possible to analyze whether to provide robots with the rights as electronic people, which is equivalent to legal persons. The report emphasizes that at all times, researchers and designers should ensure that every robot design contains a stop switch. In Kubrick’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hal, a malfunctioning supercomputer, didn’t let scientists into the space capsule, but it was science fiction. What we have to face is the truth. Lorna Blazere, a partner of Osborne Clark International Law Firm, said in the report that we don’t recognize whales and gorillas have personalities, so there is no need to rush to accept a robot personality. But concerns have always existed. The report admits that in a few decades, artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, and artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, thus challenging human-computer relations. The report finally calls for the establishment of European robotics and artificial intelligence institutions.To provide technical, ethical and regulatory expertise. If members of the European Parliament vote for legislation, the report will be submitted to the European Commission. It will decide which legislative steps to take within three months.

  We should also play a role in ensuring that the next generation not only has the opportunity but also has the determination to fully participate in scientific research at an early stage, so that they can continue to exert their potential and help mankind create a better world. This is what I meant when I first talked about the importance of learning and education. We need to jump out of the theoretical discussion of "how things should be" and take action to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate. We are standing at the entrance to a beautiful new world. This is an exciting and uncertain world, and you are the pioneers. I bless you.

The Indian government falsely claimed that China’s mobile phone stole information to conduct a large-scale review.

  Overseas networkAugust 16 th According to Indian media reports, the Indian government issued a warning to various mobile phone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security", and began a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China.

  According to the Times of India,The Indian government "suspects that China mobile phone manufacturers are stealing users’ information", such as contact lists and short messages, falsely claiming that they are engaged in "hacking", and issued a warning to the major smartphone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit.

  Although Apple, Samsung and Indian mobile phone manufacturers received similar notices, most of them were China mobile phone brands. According to reports, the warning was issued by the Indian Telecommunications Bureau, and a total of 21 companies were notified.

  The Indian media quoted an Indian official as saying, "The government requires these companies to carry out rectification in accordance with India’s safety provisions before August 28, and the government may also conduct audits to ensure that they comply with relevant regulations." The official also said that "if these companies are found to be in violation of regulations, they will be fined".

  According to The Times of India,The Indian government has started a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security".

  A recent study by Indian Industry Group shows that the market value of China enterprises in India’s emerging telecommunications industry is increasing, reaching nearly $22 billion, which has aroused a strong reaction within the Indian government. They think that these China enterprises may illegally obtain information of individuals, enterprises and government agencies. According to reports, an internal government source said, "IndiaThe government believes that many electronic devices in China transmit or store data in servers in China, which may bring security risks, especially when the border tension between the two countries increases."

  This is not the first time that India has cracked down on China products. According to overseas reports, the Indian government announced on August 9th local time that it would impose anti-dumping duties on 93 kinds of products imported from China.

  According to Indian media reports, the trade balance between China and China is tilted towards China, and the trade deficit has reached 51.09 billion US dollars (about 339.8 billion RMB). A large number of goods imported from China flooded the Indian market, and’s smart phones have won "half of the country" locally, which has greatly hit the local industry. Earlier, a survey agency in India released a report saying that Indian consumers are more willing to buy China goods than local Indian goods. The report quoted the interviewees as saying that among similar products, Indian-made products are expensive, while China products have the most advantages in price and good quality.

  Gao Feng, spokesman of China’s Ministry of Commerce, revealed last month that in the first half of this year, India has launched 12 trade investigations against China, once again becoming the country with the largest number of trade investigations against China.

  According to the 2016 China-India Bilateral Trade Report released by the Indian Embassy in China in February this year, China has replaced the United States and the United Arab Emirates as India’s largest trading partner and the largest source of imports. In 2016, the trade volume between China and India reached US$ 71.18 billion, including US$ 11.75 billion in exports and US$ 59.43 billion in imports. India’s trade deficit with China was US$ 47.68 billion.

  Lan Jianxue, an expert on South Asia at the China Institute of International Studies and a former diplomat in India, said that China has been a key target country for India’s anti-dumping for many years, and it has always been so. However, he stressed that in view of the current tense confrontation between China and India, India’s adoption of this measure at this time does not rule out catering to the extreme anti-China sentiment in its own country. (Compile/Overseas Network Yang Jia)

How to adjust the lighting in children’s room? Don’t leave out these details


Don’t choose lamps that are easy for children to touch the light bulb.

  Text/Figure Yangcheng Evening News reporter Liang Dongxian Intern Zhao Xiaoling (except signature)

  In many people’s conventional cognition, it is not good for children’s rooms to be too bright or too dark, especially for study. However, there are some new ideas that may subvert the traditional concepts you used to know.

  Author of Building a Growing Children’s Room from scratch — — Xu Xiao, a cross-border designer, said that even on cloudy days, the outdoor illumination is 10,000 lumens (lumens are the illumination unit), and people do not feel any discomfort when reading outdoors on cloudy days; However, indoor lighting rarely exceeds the same illuminance. Therefore, as long as the lighting is not direct to the eyes, there is basically no problem of over-lighting in children’s rooms, and it will not cause vision problems. Is this view correct?

  School is about to start. What should you pay attention to when you are ready to rearrange the lighting in the children’s room?

  Children’s myopia,

  The main reason is not the light!

  Is Xu Xiao’s point of view correct? Yangcheng Evening News reporter interviewed Sun Keqing, deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. She said that Xu Xiao’s views are basically correct. Because as long as it is not direct vision or specular reflection, indoor routine reading lighting can rarely reach the level of damaging vision, so it is no harm to light it up.

  If myopia is not related to too bright light, what is the main cause of myopia among teenagers?

  Sun Ke Qing said that the main reasons are incorrect writing posture, or too long use of eyes. If you want to reduce the possibility of children’s myopia, it will be very beneficial to ensure a certain amount of outdoor exercise time every day.

  Of course, Sun Ke Qing said that improper lighting design can also cause children’s vision problems. For example, the lamp does not have a suitable lampshade or the height design of the lamp is unreasonable, which makes the light directly or reflect to the eyes. In addition, if it is a baby’s room, because the baby’s eyes are not fully mature, so you can’t use too strong and dazzling lights to avoid damaging their eyes. At this time, the lighting design should be as soft as possible.

  The light should be bright and soft.

  In fact, children’s rooms generally have the functions of studying, playing, resting and storing things at the same time. The overall indoor illumination should be higher than that of adult rooms. At the same time, the light should be soft and avoid glare. In addition, in different areas such as the study area, it is necessary to have corresponding local lighting to facilitate children to read books, do homework and find books.

  The overall lighting of children’s rooms can use chandeliers and ceiling lamps to create bright and fantastic lighting effects for the space, while the local lighting can meet different lighting needs with wall lamps, table lamps and spotlights. The selected lamps should give children a relaxed and interesting light sense in shape and color, so as to expand their imagination and stimulate their interest in learning.

  Sun Keqing suggested that the lamps in children’s study area can choose eye protection lamps. Good eye protection lamp is not easy to strobe, and its brightness and brightness uniformity are ideal, which can reduce eye fatigue and help children protect their eyesight.

  These security risks cannot be ignored.

  In addition, when installing lamps, we should also pay full attention to safety issues. Children are lively and active by nature, full of strong curiosity about things, especially young children, but they lack the necessary awareness of self-protection. Therefore, if the lamps are installed in children’s rooms, especially in infants’ rooms, care should be taken not to expose the power cord as much as possible, so as to avoid the unreasonable children playing with the wires as toys, thus causing the danger of electric shock.

  In addition, if the child is still very young, don’t choose lamps that are easy for the child to touch the light bulb, because many lamps will also heat up when they shine, and adults think that the negligible temperature is likely to burn the child’s tender skin. Therefore, when arranging the nursery, it is best to choose a lamp with a closed lampshade, or add a protective cover to the light bulb. In addition, movable lamps such as floor lamps and desk lamps should also be avoided in preschool children’s rooms to minimize the risk of electric shock.

  Illustration of this edition/Fan Yinglan

Lifting the "unspeakable secret" in the Spring Festival, Jing’ an, a patient, went to work easily after the holiday.

Xinmin Evening News (special correspondent Yu Wenlong, reporter Jiang Yuezhong) "Thank you, Director Liu and doctors and nurses, for lifting the’ unspeakable secret’ for me. I was discharged from the hospital today, and then I can go to work easily. " Today (7th) is the first day of work after the Spring Festival. Mr. Wang, who finished the discharge formalities early in the morning, made a special trip to bid farewell to Liu Meiling, director of anorectal department of Shibei Hospital in Jing ‘an District, thanking her and her colleagues for "working overtime" during the Spring Festival for their successful operation.
Caption: Director Liu Meiling is focusing on operating on patients. Photo by Zhang Yuping
Mr. Wang, who is in his thirties this year, is a white-collar worker in the company. He has been working at his desk for a long time and suffered from hemorrhoids. In the past six months, hemorrhoids have repeatedly bled and prolapse, but because of his busy work, he simply can’t take care of seeing a doctor. This is not true. Years ago, Mr. Wang worked overtime frequently, and hemorrhoids began to be a "demon" again. The bleeding was not only accompanied by prolapse and pain, but also people felt dizzy and weak, which made him miserable. He didn’t come to the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital until the holiday.
"Doctor, it is not convenient for me to ask for leave at ordinary times, and I am only free during the Spring Festival holiday. Please help me and arrange the operation!" Mr. Wang looked apologetic and pleading.
But Mr. Wang came too late, it was New Year’s Eve, and the hospital operating room only arranged emergency surgery.
Looking at Mr. Wang, who was pale because of long-term frequent bleeding, Liu Meiling immediately contacted Liao Hongxia, director of anesthesiology department, and explained the situation. Director Liao readily agreed: "We have a doctor on duty who can help patients arrange surgery." With the support of the Anesthesiology Department of the operating room, Director Liu quickly made nucleic acid for the patient and arranged hospitalization. During this period, he received the full support from the B-ultrasound room of the special inspection department and other departments. Director Liu and her team discussed the case according to the characteristics of Mr. Wang’s disease and formulated an "individualized" operation and nursing plan.
Caption: Liu Meiling and her team analyzed the patient’s situation and discussed the surgical plan. Photo by Gu Chenming
The next day, that is, on the first day of February 1, Liu Meiling and her team gave up their rest time and rushed to the hospital to operate on the patient. Zhang Yuping, the head nurse, personally sent the patient to the operating room and did psychological nursing before operation. Although the patient was considered to be a light mixed hemorrhoid before operation, after anesthesia, the patient’s hemorrhoid was "exposed": prolapse, bleeding and edema, which was obviously a severe acute hemorrhoid, which surprised all the medical staff present. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Fortunately, Director Liu has rich experience. She adjusted the surgical plan on the spot and decided to give the patient her improved compound minimally invasive surgery. Due to adequate preoperative preparation and simple communication with the patient, Liu Meiling took charge of the operation. With skillful medical skills, she gave the patient a minimally invasive operation with both internal and external hemorrhoids. The whole operation was very smooth, with small wound, less bleeding and short time, which reduced the pain of patients to a minimum. Surgery should not only determine the curative effect, but also give consideration to aesthetics. The postoperative assistant, Dr. Yu, immediately took a photo for the patient to see. The patient was very satisfied with the comparison of the photos before and after operation and gave a thumbs up.
After the operation, Head Nurse Zhang Yuping specially bought a big cake to share the happiness of the New Year with Mr. Wang and all the patients who could not go home for the New Year after the operation.
Caption: anorectal doctors and nurses celebrate the Spring Festival with patients who can’t go home for the New Year because of surgery. Photo by Sun Weiwei
It is understood that over the years, the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital has been adhering to the treatment concept of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and has formed its own characteristics. In order to make Mr. Wang’s wound heal as soon as possible after operation, they also used traditional Chinese medicine hip bath, special dressing change and laser physiotherapy to promote the smooth healing of Mr. Wang’s wound. Under the careful treatment of medical staff in the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital, Mr. Wang recovered smoothly and was discharged from hospital 6 days after operation.
Director Liu Meiling also revealed to reporters that every holiday, such as May Day, November Day and Spring Festival, when the rest time is a little longer, the anorectal team of Shibei Hospital will arrange several special operation days, which is to help office workers who are not convenient to take time off at ordinary times and arrange surgery for them. The purpose is to make it convenient for them to take advantage of the holidays to treat and recuperate. During the Spring Festival this year, more than 10 inpatients in the anorectal department of this hospital were all office workers.

Japanese badminton beauty group rises fast, Beijing Olympic Games competes for medals (Figure)


  Since last year, Japanese women’s doubles have sprung up, and soon replaced South Korean Lee Kyung won/Lee Hyo jung as a new force to compete with the powerful China women’s doubles. Even Tian Bingyi, head coach of China women’s doubles, said: Japanese women’s doubles have made rapid progress in recent years, and their impact on us has surpassed that of the Korean team to some extent.

  At present, the Japanese team has three pairs of strong women’s doubles, among which Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura, who is called a beauty group by many media, has the best record and can be called the first women’s doubles in Japan today.

  Childhood opponent, today’s partner

  Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura started practicing badminton just by learning to play. After practicing badminton, they have different joys and sorrows. On September 30th, 1983, Reiko Shiota was born in Fukuoka Prefecture. In the first grade of primary school, at the invitation of her friends, she entered Kyoto Club, a famous badminton school in Japan, and began to practice badminton. Reiko Shiota, who was just going to have fun at first, underwent "devil training" at school. She not only had to practice basic skills, but also ran marathons. It was common for her to be beaten for being lazy. In her memory, she never felt that playing badminton was a happy thing.

  On July 5, 1983, Kumiko Ogura was born in Mie Prefecture. At the age of 8, influenced by her sister, she began to practice badminton. Like Reiko Shiota, Kumiko Ogura just started playing and just learned to play. But unlike her future partner, playing ball is a kind of enjoyment for Kumiko Ogura. She likes to fight for every point and doesn’t like to have a rest.

  In the sixth grade, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura met for the first time. Reiko Shiota beat Kumiko Ogura in the women’s singles quarter-final of the Japanese national primary school competition. Now, Reiko Shiota has no impression of the game, but Kumiko Ogura has a deep memory. She said that it was very good to play in Chaotian at that time, not like a primary school student at all. In the second grade of junior high school, the two met again in the women’s singles semi-final of the Japanese youth competition, and Reiko Shiota won again.

  Two years later, the two men who entered high school were first put together in a youth training camp in Japan. At the beginning of the cooperation, they felt very tacit understanding, which was nothing like the first cooperation. Later, they were arranged to train with older players. Reiko Shiota said: "When I first cooperated with Xiao Yun, I was not very interested in doubles, but it was a pleasure to beat the older players in the competition." After graduating from high school, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura joined Sanyo Electric Company and started working and training together.

  Stiffness and softness complement each other.

  Looking at the game between Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura, we can find that their styles are very different-Reiko Shiota is gentle when hitting the ball, but Kumiko Ogura is powerful; Reiko Shiota likes to observe his opponents in the game and plays strategically. Kumiko Ogura prefers to confront his opponent directly.

  On the field, Reiko Shiota is a careful person. She always leads Kumiko Ogura like a commander and creates opportunities for her to attack. Off the court, Reiko Shiota is like a careless sister. Every training session, Kumiko Ogura will gather 10 minutes in advance, while Reiko Shiota is not so punctual. When staying in a hotel for a competition abroad, Kumiko Ogura always gets up early and is responsible for waking Reiko Shiota up. The key to the door is also kept by a careful little coffin.

  Reiko Shiota feels that her psychological quality still needs to be strong. She hopes to participate in more competitions and accumulate experience, so as to build her confidence. Kumiko Ogura is always confident, and her spike speed reaches 260 km/h, making her a rare heavy gunner in the Japanese women’s team. Kumiko Ogura likes to entertain foolish ideas at ordinary times, so Reiko Shiota encourages her not to be influenced by others, and to have her own opinions. After they joined Sanyo Electric Company in 2002, they were strongly trained by China’s coach Ding Qiqing, and their level rose rapidly.

  Their different personalities make them form a good complement on and off the court, and they gradually become the best women’s doubles players in Japan. In 2004, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura won the Japanese women’s doubles championship for the first time, and qualified for the Athens Olympic Games. Unfortunately, because Kumiko Ogura broke his left little finger before the Olympic Games, they failed to board the flight to Athens.

  Athens regrets Beijing’s bid for medals

  When Kumiko Ogura participated in the national competition in the sixth grade, her parents joked that "you can go to the Olympic Games in the future". After she really qualified for the Olympic Games but lost the opportunity, Xiao Yun was very disappointed. She recalled: "It was really frustrating to quit the competition because of injury. After that, I made up my mind to challenge the Beijing Olympic Games four years later. " Reiko Shiota said, "When I was a child, I never thought about the Olympic Games at all, and I didn’t think I had the talent to be an athlete. It was not until Xiao Yun invited me to join Sanyo Electric Company that we began to participate in the Olympic points competition and saw the possibility of participating in the Olympic Games. I want to thank Xiao Yun. Without her, I can’t go to the Olympic Games alone. "

  At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura were spectators sitting in front of the TV. Kumiko Ogura secretly vowed that she would stand on the Olympic stage one day after seeing "Miss Judo" Gu Liangzi win the first gold medal in Athens Olympic Games for the Japanese team.

  Since 2005, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura have stood out in international competitions, and they have spread their dream wings to fly towards the Beijing Olympic Games. In the 2005 Danish Open, they defeated China’s Zhang Yawen/Zhang Dan and England’s Ames/Clogg successively, and won the women’s doubles gold medal in this five-star international competition for the Japanese team.

  In the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura met China’s Yang Wei/Bonita in the semi-final, and they lost to their opponents after three sets of bitter battles. Despite losing to Yang Wei/Bonita in succession, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura is making progress. By playing against the players from China, they found out the ball path of Yang Wei/Bonita and improved their confrontation ability. In 2007, they met Yang Wei/Bonita for the sixth time in the quarterfinals of Malaysian Super Tournament, and defeated their opponents for the first time, resulting in a big upset.

  At the World Championships in August this year, Kumiko Ogura and Reiko Shiota were ranked as the sixth seeds, and they will make it to the semi-finals. In the semi-final, Kumiko Ogura and Reiko Shiota took advantage of the disadvantage of both Gao Kun and Huang Sui, and created a lot of trouble for Gao Kun/.Although they lost the game, they still created their best record in the World Championships.

  Now, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura, whose record and appearance are equally outstanding, not only appear in badminton teaching programs of major Japanese TV stations, but also serve as beverage spokespersons, publish photo albums and appear in movies, and even coach Ding Qiqing laments their high popularity. Ding Qiqing said that Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura had a relaxed mentality when they played. They trained five days a week, working in the morning and training in the afternoon. Although there is a big gap with China’s athletes in strength and speed, they still set the goal of winning medals in the Beijing Olympic Games. At present, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura’s primary goal is to do a good job in the Olympic points competition, enter the top 16 in the world, and ensure the qualification for the Olympic Games.

  One year before the Beijing Olympic Games, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura expressed his earnest expectation for the Olympic Games next year in an interview with the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Reiko Shiota said: "The Olympic Games four years ago was still a vague dream for me. Now, it is not only a goal, but also something I must accomplish." Kumiko Ogura, on the other hand, said that we must turn the regrets four years ago into the driving force for progress. They believe that they will have a day in dreams may come at the 2008 Olympic Games.

Editor: Shuo Yang

Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan, Chongqing.

On December 15th, Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan Convention and Exhibition Center, Chongqing. Nearly 500 academicians of the two academies, doctors and postdoctoral students from well-known universities at home and abroad, representatives from overseas Chinese and enterprises gathered together to seek common development and talk about the future, and jointly draw a beautiful blueprint for talents to lead innovation and innovation-driven development. Academician He Jishan and Peng Suping of China Academy of Engineering attended the event.
Event site. (Photo courtesy)
There are not only young doctoral representatives introduced full-time but also high-level talents introduced in the form of "specially invited experts". Five academicians of the two academies, including Huang Weihe and Luo An, and five top talents in the industry, including Xia Qingyou, Fang Ning and Xie Yingchao, were employed as special experts for decision-making consultation in Yongchuan District. Sichuan-Chongqing Zhi Gong Dang Overseas Chinese Poster Country Practice Base, Nordic Talent Liaison Service Station and Academician He Jishan Workstation were established one after another.
The breakout activity Mingjing International Young Talents Forum received more than 200 doctoral applications from famous universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and more than 60 outstanding young talents who met the development needs of the school came to communicate and dock forever. Among them, 18 doctors successfully passed the examination and entered the follow-up recruitment review process, and 9 doctors are willing to learn more.
During the activities of the conference, 225 high-level talents in short supply were registered by institutions in the whole region, and 26 professionals in the field of education and health entered the follow-up procedures through interviews. During the activities of the conference, the whole region has introduced more than 210 talents of all levels and types, and established more than 120 talent contacts.
The conference organically integrated attracting talents and attracting investment, and based on "talents lead innovation, innovation promotes industries, and industries gather talents", signed 36 projects with a total investment of 22.7 billion yuan. This signing project involves intelligent networked new energy vehicles, new energy motorcycles, intelligent equipment, deep processing of quartz sand, fiber and composite materials, paper and paper products, meta-universe, science and technology film and television and many other industrial fields. Among them, Chengdu Haidekang Pharmaceutical invested 2 billion yuan to build an international high-end innovative pharmaceutical preparation production base; Xinyi Group (Glass) invested 1.82 billion yuan to build high-end float and Low-E glass production projects, which will provide important kinetic energy for the development of Yongchuan advanced materials industry. In addition, more than 10 cutting-edge scientific and technological projects in the future have been reserved through this conference.
At the signing ceremony. (Photo courtesy)
According to reports, Yongchuan iteratively issued the "Several Measures on Further Strengthening Talent Work", forming a more active and open policy system around the whole chain of talents "introducing, educating and retaining". Focus on "one thing" in the whole cycle of talent innovation and entrepreneurship, improve and perfect the talent information resource database, and realize multi-span collaboration in the talent field and "free application and enjoyment" in the talent policy. Upgrade the "one-stop" service platform for talents, implement the "Yongchuan talent service card", open the "96008" talent service line, provide "housekeeper-style" consulting service for talents 24 hours a day, and build more than 3,500 sets of "carrying bags" talent apartments to actively create a good atmosphere for talents to innovate and start businesses.
On the same day, the first Mingjing International Young Talents Forum and the "Two Bases" high-quality development academician expert symposium were also held. On the evening of the activity, Yongchuan received good news: Yongchuan won the title of "Best Employer of the Year in China" in 2023 by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, Peking University Social Investigation and Research Center and Zhaopin.
Zhang Zhikui, secretary of Chongqing Yongchuan District Party Committee, said that Yongchuan has always placed talent work in a prominent position, focused on revitalizing the city by gathering people, promoting production by retaining people in the city, and educating people in schools to improve production, and further promoting the talent gathering project of "chasing the waves and running forever" and accelerating the construction of influential talent centers and innovative highlands in the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing. Yongchuan will help all kinds of talents to pursue dreams, build dreams and realize dreams with the greatest sincerity, the best environment and the best service.
It is understood that Yongchuan has a total of 192,300 talents, more than 460 high-level talents above the municipal level, 17 colleges and universities, and 180,000 students. It has built 374 talent development platforms such as Chongqing Yungu Big Data Industrial Park National Science and Technology Business Incubator and Chongqing Meta-Universe Technology Innovation Center. (China Daily Chongqing reporter station Tan Yingzi)
Source: China Daily.

Iran’s gas station was attacked by Israeli hackers, and the silent cyber war has begun!

Cailian News on December 19th (edited by Ma Lan)On Monday, most gas stations in Iran were paralyzed by external attacks. According to Iranian state media, services were still not fully restored late Monday.

Iranian oil minister Javad Owji said on Monday that the cyber attack caused nearly 70% gas stations in Iran to malfunction. According to Iran’s National Petroleum Products Distribution Company, the oil pump went offline due to technical problems caused by hostile organizations, but it did not point out the suspects.

Subsequently, a hacker organization named Gonjeshke Darande announced on X that it was responsible for the attack. Gonjeshke Darande means predator sparrow in Persian. In 2021, the organization carried out the destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and a steel plant, and was widely regarded as having an Israeli background.

In its statement, the predatory sparrow organization shouted to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: This attack is a response to the aggression of Iran and its regional agent (Hamas), and there is a price to pay for playing with fire.

Silent battlefield

Predator Sparrow also said in the statement that similar to the previous actions, the attack on gas stations was carried out in a controlled manner. They warned the Iranian emergency services in advance and ensured that some gas stations could still operate normally to limit the damage to emergency services.

Reza Navar, a spokesperson for the Iranian Gas Station Association, said that there is no shortage of fuel supply, but I hope that drivers will not go to gas stations now, and experts are solving the software problem of the fuel system.

Israeli officials declined to comment on the hacking incident. However, the Israeli network department pointed out on Monday that about three weeks ago, Iran and Hezbollah launched a cyber attack on a hospital in northern Israel. Although it was finally defeated, the confidential information of the hospital was still leaked.

Gil Messing, chief of staff of the US-Israel cyber security company Checkpoint Software, revealed that the cyber attack of predator sparrow demonstrated Israel’s capabilities.

The cyber security investigator of another well-known international company believes that Iran and Israel are engaged in a full-scale cyber war, but they are hidden underground. The complexity of the attack shows that there is the support of state power behind it.

He pointed out that the IT system of Iranian gas stations has a history of ten years, so it is easy to be attacked by hackers. But hackers from both sides are also wrestling with other more important government and military infrastructures. He said that even if the situation between Iran and Israel has not reached the boiling point, the situation is bound to become more tense.

Sources who used to work in the British Foreign Office also warned that this may be information from Israel. In view of the actions of Iran and its members of the axis of resistance, Israel thinks it is necessary to respond, which roughly means that it has the ability to put out the lights in Tehran, and if Iran continues to escalate, Israel will take more destructive actions.

(Cailian Malan)

Prediction of Four Fashion Consumption Trends in 2023

China International Fashion Week, together with Paris Nali Luodi, empowers China’s fashion design by keeping pace with international fashion trends, and inspires China’s fashion industry to be more tenacious and magnificent in vitality and creativity.

The theme of "China International Fashion Week in Autumn and Winter 2023" jointly conceived and explained by the Fashion Week Organizing Committee and Paris Nali Luoluo [creating a METAROAMING].

NellyRodi comprehensively predicted the lifestyle trend of global consumers in the future through discussion and analysis with experts from various fields around the world, and summarized four typical groups leading consumption in the next year, namelyEducator, Simulator, Intuitionist, High Performance Person.

They hope to keep a slow pace in their future lives. Although their rhythm seems to be slow, it is the result of their habitual reflection, because they take the pursuit of near perfection and near Excellence as their life creed.

In the era of information explosion, everyone can speak for themselves. Have you ever sent some information that deviates from the truth because you are too subjective?

Yu Changsheng, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, is a brand of "95 Silk Royal", hoping to awaken the audience’s thinking about information dissemination. While pursuing the practicality of design, she also constantly pursues the story of design. Every time a costume meets the audience, it is an ideological collision, and the whole artistic creation is completed by the designer and the last wearer.

The First Series of SS23 China International Fashion Week in the Ninth Five-Year Plan

It is the social responsibility of fashion designers to express the call for positive energy through design, and clothing reflects designers’ thinking on social hot issues and deep concern for vulnerable groups.

These excited and emotional consumers will try their best to turn their ideals into reality with the help of gorgeous and charming visual elements and digital technology. They can not only draw inspiration from ancient civilization and its grand culture, but also be fascinated by the fantasy world of the future brought by the latest technology, because these can help them move towards the future.

Thee.Them, a brand of Yang Ye, a cutting-edge designer in China, combines gorgeous and charming oriental totems with western myths. The mysterious color of the oriental totem "snake", the sun, the moon, the stars and the five elements of China "Jin Mu fire and water" reflect traditional oriental culture. The scepter and the eye of the soul that meets the dawn embody western culture. It collides with another dimension to have a visual impact, showing a futuristic design style and reshaping the juvenile fantasy.

Thee.Them SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

Yang Ye, a designer, accurately depicts the consumer group image of "imitators", and permeates the brand DNA with "no personal design, no typicality, which is intended to get rid of the stereotype and make clothing an extension of self, rather than the concentration of a certain style".

Enjoy life-this is the best description of the daily life goals of these happy consumers. Sunshine and spontaneous nature urge them to take to the streets to spread the message of happiness and enthusiasm. Their happiness comes from praising everything, their ability to improvise and their natural spontaneity make everything a reason to party.

The original intention of Dong Yaer, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, was to create the Butterfly Shadow Bug, which is characterized by distinctive printing. I hope that the world will be full of flowers and life, and the haze in the world will be diluted with design.

Butterfly Shadow Insect brings colorful original environmental protection prints to the show, which is a combination of waves and insects, and brings a limited edition BUER BEAR x Dongya INSECTS SEA designer to the show, which is full of free and colorful life.

Butterfly Shadow Bug SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

In the color world of butterfly shadow insects, every color contains a color emotion. Dong Yaer, a designer, explores and creates the yellow that makes people feel happy and stimulates interest, the blue that is calm and peaceful, and the pink that evokes people’s good memories, conveying the attitude towards life: just like the sea of life, it is high and low and colorful.

Their wisdom and self-study ability prompted them to explore the solution of "saving the world". Their goal is to achieve a more equal society, so that everyone can get happiness and make daily life easier.

They believe that the concepts of ecology and urbanism can coexist harmoniously, and they are more willing to make the city more "moral" through technical solutions.

FENGGY, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, takes the brand-new cognition and research of human aesthetics as its mission, and skillfully integrates the freedom, comfort and professional functionality of sports elements with fashion trends to create a brand-new fashion sports scene.

Under the design language of literary exploration, this paper explores the balanced relationship between fabric functionality, science and technology and trend sports aesthetics. With the simple and changeable overall modeling collocation, the interest and diversification of sportswear are expanded, and the independent fashion consciousness is presented.

FENGGY SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

FENGGY SS23 China International Fashion Week’s first series "No Probability" tells the story of an ordinary person who shuttles through his own multiverse and becomes a superhero. Bright colors, emphasizing the rhythm of life, focusing on textured sports colors combined with functional environmentally-friendly recycled fabrics to express far-sighted innovations in the parallel universe.