Xingye’s new film is set for the Spring Festival. How many new works does he have this year?

1905 movie network news On November 26, Zhou Xingchi Tieba exposed a photo of Xingye’s new film, and gave important information: Xingye’s new film will be released during the Spring Festival of 2019. In the picture, Xingye, wearing a hat, lowered his head and smiled, with a large golden letter on his head: "Zhou Xingchi’s new work is completed", and there is also the words "Zhou Xingchi Tieba" in the lower right corner.


It seems that 2018 was a very productive year for Star Lord, with more than one new film on hand. But the only thing that can be confirmed is that the filming started in March this year and was completed in June. The news of the start of "King of Comedy 2" has always been circulating in the community, and there have been suspected on-set photos before, but they have never been confirmed. Yao Chen and Wang Baoqiang are rumored to star in the movie.

Suspected set photos of "King of Comedy 2"

In addition, there is also a film "Plan D" that is said to be produced by Stephen Chow and directed by Qiu Litao, which tells the story of the dream of becoming an excellent actor. It is similar to the story of "King of Comedy", so many people suspect that "Plan D" is the "King of Comedy 2" that Xing Ye wants to shoot. The star of "Plan D" is also said to be Wang Baoqiang.

"Plan D" Synopsis

This time the poster was exposed, there were many doubts, and it was difficult to confirm which new film was finished. Moreover, the style of this poster was also a little sloppy. Whether it was the news released by the Xingye team, and how credible it was, still need to be confirmed. After all, when "Mermaid 2" was finished, there were also the set photos posted by Lin Yun, which seemed more formal.


At present, the Douban entry "Plan D" has replaced the poster with the poster exposed by Stephen Chow Tieba.

Peng Yuyan sounded the rallying call, and all the warriors rallied to support the turtles

  9month24China Sea Turtle Conservation Union (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") and WildAid, an international nature conservation agency, have joined forces.WildAidPeng Yuyan, a well-known actor who has actively participated in the protection of sea turtles in recent years and participated in the filming of the marine protection documentary "Sea Turtle", will serve as a representative of "Sea Turtle Warrior" and issue an invitation to the public to take action.

  In recent years, due to various factors such as global warming, marine pollution, illegal poaching, fishing and release, and illegal trade in sea turtle products, the global sea turtle population and habitat quality have continued to decline, and sea turtles are facing an unprecedented survival crisis. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCNSix of the world’s seven remaining species of sea turtles are designated as"Extinction risk"Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and FloraCITESInclude all seven species of sea turtles in the appendixIThe international trade of sea turtles and their products is prohibited. At the same time, our country’s sea turtles are also facing problems such as continuous decline in population and serious shrinkage of main habitats, especially spawning grounds. In order to strengthen sea turtle protection,2018In 2008, the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance was established. Alliance members carried out different forms of activities across the country, widely publicized sea turtle protection knowledge, and carried out many sea turtle release activities. Over the past three years, a total of sea turtles that have been accidentally caught and rescued and recovered have been released1200Multiple. This year.8In May, the Alliance will99Only the recovered turtles were rescued and released into the sea, and satellite trackers were installed on several of them. Data collected shows that some of the turtles have now crossed the Taiwan Strait north, and others have reached the Philippines southward. This year6In January, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration released the "National Key Protected Wildlife List (exposure draft) ", which has upgraded all sea turtles distributed in our country to national-level protected species. In this context, the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance and Wildlife Rescue launched"Turtle Warriors Rally"Action, and invited Zeng to work together to film the marine conservation documentary "Sea Turtleaid"Well-known actor Peng Yuyan participated. Peng Yuyan, as a turtle warrior, blew the sound to find"Turtle Warrior"The rallying call calls on the public to join the team to protect sea turtles. The alliance will also protect sea turtles what ordinary people can do"small thing"Sorted out and filmed into a video, and invited the public to pay attention to and participate in sea turtle protection through various media channels such as the Internet, social media and out-of-home advertising. Through continuous extensive and in-depth publicity, not only can the public fully understand the knowledge of sea turtle protection, but also encourage the public to participate in the protection work through actions within their ability, and extend the protection action to every ordinary person to form a joint force of the whole society to protect sea turtles. Peng Yuyan, who participated in the shooting, said:"Since I became involved in the protection of sea turtles, I have come to realize more and more that the people who protect sea turtles should not only be law enforcement officers, scientists, and environmentalists, but moreTurtle WarriorNo matter what career you have, no matter where you live, these are the things you can doWhen everyone wants to joinTurtle WarriorThe moment of salvation that the sea turtles are waiting for will come."In its work, the alliance has found that although people’s awareness of sea turtles has increased, urban populations living far from the coast do not know what they can do to protect sea turtles. WildAid, the international nature conservation agency, is one of the first members to join the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance. For three years, it has been conducting popular science publicity campaigns to raise public awareness of sea turtle protection. Steve, the chief representative of WildAid in Beijing, said:"In fact, each of us can do something, and it is very important. For example, reduce the use of single-use plastic products such as plastic bags; strictly abide by relevant regulations in tourist destinations with turtle spawning grounds and do not disturb turtle spawning; do not buy illegal turtle products; do not release turtles without permission; report illegal turtle trade you see in the market or online, etc. Ordinary people can also become warriors to protect turtles, which is what is needed to protect turtles most."The China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance welcomes friends from all walks of life who are willing to participate in sea turtle protection and marine ecological protection, and become friends with Peng YuyanTurtle WarriorActively participate in marine conservation efforts.



   Current status of sea turtle protection in our country

  Sea turtles are a general term for marine turtle species. They have existed in the world since the age of dinosaurs and are a famous "living fossil". Worldwide shared7Sea turtles are affected by various factors globally7Sea turtles, as an important flagship species in the marine ecosystem, have attracted great attention from the international community. In the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, all sea turtles are listed as appendicesIIts international trade activities are severely restricted.

  Our country has a total of5Sea turtle species are rich in resources in history, but in recent years, due to environmental pollution, human activities interference, illegal trade and other reasons, the decline of sea turtle populations in our country is very serious. Our country has always attached great importance to sea turtle protection1988When the Wildlife Protection Law was issued in 2008, all sea turtles were listed as national second-level key protected wild animals, and a series of work has been carried out. One is to strengthen the protection of sea turtle habitats. The National Nature Reserve for Sea Turtles in Huidong Port, Guangdong Province was established, and support was given to the establishment of a sea turtle protection station in Qilianyu, Sansha City, Hainan Province, so that sea turtle species resources and breeding environment can be effectively protected. The second is to actively carry out sea turtle breeding and release. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has organized and carried out sea turtle breeding and release activities in Xisha and other places for many years, and Guangdong and other coastal provinces and regions have also carried out sea turtle release for many years. Through the installation of trackers, the research on the migration of sea turtles has been strengthened, and technical support has been provided for better protection of sea turtles Make use of important time nodes such as Aquatic Wildlife Science Awareness Month, World Animal and Plant Day, Ocean Day, etc., to widely carry out protection publicity for sea turtles in various ways, and create a social atmosphere of caring for and protecting sea turtles. Fourth, strengthen scientific research. Through the continuous exploration of research institutes, protected area management institutions and other research units, the wild migration routes and breeding conditions of sea turtles have been initially figured out, and major breakthroughs have been made in the technology of artificial breeding of sea turtles. Fifth, strengthen law enforcement supervision. Law enforcement departments such as fishery administration, public security, customs, industry and commerce, and marine police have jointly strengthened the crackdown on illegal and criminal acts against sea turtles and other wild animals. They have carried out special projects to enforce the law, investigated and dealt with a number of illegal cases, and effectively cracked down on the arrogance of criminals.


   Sea Turtle Protection Proposal

  Sea turtles are a class of ancient large marine reptiles that have been1.5With a history of more than 100 million years, it is a veritable "living fossil". As the oldest species, sea turtles have been swimming in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years, but now they are facing multiple crises with nowhere to hide: they have lost most of their spawning grounds, their food is dwindling, plastic products are floating in the ocean… There are also many people who want to buy goods made from turtle shells, or food and medicine made from turtle meat and eggs, which has led to an increase in illegal capture and trade of sea turtles, and the survival pressure of sea turtles is increasing and the threat is increasing.

  As one of the flagship marine species, sea turtles are crucial to the health of marine ecosystems and are also an important indicator species for marine environmental monitoring. What happens to sea turtles is also a common encounter of many marine organisms. The damage of the marine environment is directly related to us humans, and the protection of the marine environment is also inseparable from everyone’s actions.

  We issue an initiative to all fishermen. As a fisherman, please commit to legal fishing operations and never illegally fishing for precious and endangered species such as sea turtles.

  We appeal to all divers. As a diver, please promise never to violate diver ethics and harm marine life.

  We appeal to all consumers. As a consumer, please promise never to buy any illegal turtles or other wildlife products.

  We also issue an appeal to all tourists. As a tourist, please promise never to bring any wildlife products into or out of the country illegally, nor to leave garbage in the sea or on the shore.

  We issue an initiative to all parents. As a parent, please teach your children to understand nature, care for wildlife, and be responsible for the environment from an early age.

  We also issue an initiative to every member of the public. Environmental protection and species protection require everyone’s participation. Even if you don’t live by the sea, the ocean is not far away from you; maybe you have never seen sea turtles with your own eyes, you can still help them. We appeal here: Please start with us from the small, don’t let the colorful ocean fade in our hands, protect sea turtles, you and I walk together!

Selling 249,800-349,800 yuan, Zhijie S7 was officially listed.

  [car home new car on the market] On November 28th, Zhijie S7 was officially released. It has four models: Pro, Max, Max+ and Max RS.The price is 249,800-349,800 yuan.. The official said that the number of new car bookings has exceeded.20000Car. In addition to announcing the selling price, the car also has the following car purchase rights and interests. During the first sale period (as of December 31, 2023), you can enjoy the car purchase rights and interests worth 55,000 yuan immediately, including the matching rights and interests worth 25,000 yuan, the interior and exterior decoration matching money worth 15,000 yuan and the Huawei ADS 2.0 high-level smart driving rights package worth 15,000 yuan.

Price of Zhijie S7 car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) Pro 550km 24.98 Max 705km advanced intelligent driving edition 28.98 Max+ 800+km advanced intelligent driving version 31.98 Max RS 630km four-wheel drive flagship high-order intelligent driving version 34.98

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● Standard coupe style appearance of electric vehicles

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

"『Max RS four-wheel drive ultimate edition"

  Zhijie S7 is a medium-sized and large car, and its body design adopts the coupe style commonly used in electric vehicles nowadays, which is also related to the brand positioning. The brand positioning of Wenjie is more calm and atmospheric, while the brand of Zhijie is oriented to young sports consumers. The slip-back roof and the sporty rims used in some models bring a strong sense of movement.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

  From the front of the car, the daytime running lights on the lower edge of the LED headlights run through the left and right, which looks like the shape of a paddle with the decoration of the headlights. There are ventilation holes on both sides and bottom of the front of the car, and there are rich radar components.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

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  The length/width/height of this car are 4971/1963/1474mm and the wheelbase is 2950 mm. It will provide five colors: warm nebula, azure blue, frosty moon silver, gold-plated black and ceramic white, which will bring different senses with different rim styles. On the roof, it also has a panoramic canopy of 2.6 square meters, and the canopy and rear windshield are double-layer silver-plated heat insulation glass. The official said that the heat insulation rate (that is, the infrared blocking rate) reached 98.3%. It is worth mentioning that the new car will be equipped with electric suction doors as standard.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

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"With a sports kit"

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max+ Super Flight Edition

"No sports kit"

  The design of the rear end is also very simple, with a penetrating taillight that echoes the front of the car. If you choose a version with a sports kit, it will also be equipped with a carbon fiber style rear spoiler and a sports rear enclosure.

● In the car … Besides Huawei HarmonyOS OS 4, what else?

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

  Zhijie S7 also has many ideas on interior design. At first glance, it is a traditional layout, full LCD instrument and independent central control instrument. But in fact, when you sit in, you will find that this car has a little "great depth" on the car, which is officially called "yacht cabin design". Do Huawei fans have to shout "far ahead"? In terms of color matching, the new car will bring three interior color matching styles, such as moon shadow gray, sparrow feather red and white apricot.

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Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

  The so-called "yacht cab design" is to divide the front into several areas, such as the pilot area displaying intuitive information (far-sight-distance instrument), and the driving control area closer to it is mainly the operation area. This car has an oval steering wheel and a flat multifunctional instrument panel in front of the co-pilot, which can not only be used as a "desktop", but also has an independent storage compartment.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

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  Zhijie S7 is equipped with HarmonyOS OS4 car machine system. From the real car experience, this car machine is very smooth and has super desktop function, that is, if you use Huawei mobile phone, you can project it on the screen. This system is further upgraded for ecological linkage. It can use the handle to play racing games on the car screen, and it can also display the aerial picture on the drone on the car screen. The voice assistant "Xiaoyi" will also be more intelligent. For example, it can execute fuzzy instructions such as "the window opens a crack", and it can also sort out and summarize news information and summarize the core content.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

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  The car is also equipped with dual 50W wireless fast charging in the front row, and the central armrest box combines the cooling and heating box. In terms of seats, although the front row is an integrated sports seat, the padding can still bring good comfort. In addition, the new car is equipped with a suspended silk wool headrest, with four adjustable heights, and integrates 10-point massage, 16-way electric adjustment, ventilation, heating and other functions. Not only that, the new car seat also supports the adjustable function of wing wrapping, which brings stronger lateral support. Finally, the new car is also equipped with electric leg rest, which supports 2-way electric adjustment, and the length of 50mm can adapt to different leg lengths.

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

Zhijie Automobile Zhijie S7 2023 Max RS Four-wheel Drive Ultimate Edition

  Coming to the back row, according to the official data, the horizontal space in the back row is 1537mm and the leg space is 945 mm. Touch buttons are inherited on the rear door, which can adjust the related functions of air conditioner and seat, and has a strong sense of technology. At the same time, Huawei’s MatePad can be installed behind the front seats. Thanks to Huawei’s system, the Pad can be linked with the car machine.

● Intelligent driving

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  In terms of hardware, the new car will be equipped with 1 lidar, 12 ultrasonic radars, 3 millimeter-wave radars and 11 camera groups. At present, high-speed and urban fast NCAs have been commercialized, and urban NCAs will be commercialized nationwide by the end of 2023.

More exciting videos are all on the car home video platform.
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  All versions of Zhijie S7 Max and above will be equipped with HUAWEI ADS intelligent driving assistance system, which is expected to be gradually launched for different cities in China from Q4 this year. Beta will be gradually opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Suzhou, Dongguan and other cities in the first quarter of 2024. At the press conference, the official also showed the currentThe only auxiliary parking function for mechanical parking spaces in the industry.And can realize wire sliding and berthing in a tight space.

● Power information

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  Zhijie S7 will be equipped with 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform as standard. The front motor of Zhijie S7 four-wheel drive version is 150kW, and the rear motor is 215kW. Its 0-100km/h acceleration time is 3.3 seconds, and its 100-0km/h braking distance is only 33.5 meters. In addition, the new car achieved 83.1km/h in elk test results, even surpassing Tesla Model S.

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  Zhijie S7 is equipped with Turing chassis, including front double wishbone+rear five-bar suspension, intelligent control cluster, CDC variable damping shock absorber, air suspension, etc., which can realize the height adjustment of the fourth gear body. Through strong perception, the chassis state can be quickly adjusted to adapt to various road conditions.

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  In addition, Zhijie S7 is equipped with the new Huawei "Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform to realize super fast charging, which can last 215km in 5 minutes and 430 km in 15 minutes.CLTC has a comprehensive endurance of 855km.In addition, HarmonyOS Zhixing charging service has deployed 340+, more than 4,500 high-speed charging stations and 700,000+public charging piles. By the end of 24 years, the total liquid-cooled super fast charging service will reach 100,000+.

● Full text summary

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  Huawei, which doesn’t make cars, has launched more than one car, and the series of cars has three products, namely, the car-bound M5, the car-bound M7 and the car-bound M9. The car-bound S7, which cooperates with Chery, is officially launched today. In addition, Huawei’s cooperation with BAIC, JAC and Changan is also advancing rapidly. It is reported that two "bound" products of BAIC and JAC are on the way, and the vehicle positioning will be more high-end. Although it keeps saying that it doesn’t build a car, Huawei’s territory in the automobile industry is already spreading rapidly. Huawei wants to be the "locomotive" of the intelligent platform for automobiles, and it is getting closer and closer to this goal. Today’s launch of Zhijie S7 will face the hot market within 300,000 yuan. This price includes not only mature Tesla Model 3, Weilai ET5, BYD Seal, etc., but also Krypton 007 and the next Xiaomi SU7. Whether it can become showstopper like Wenjie series, let’s look forward to it together. (Text/car home Chen Hao)

Related reading:

"Huawei establishes a new company to build a locomotive in the intelligent era"

Yu Chengdong: The new company has sent an invitation to the "Four Boundaries".

Newspaper group travel always avoids "shopping". How did online celebrity Shangchao become a landmark of cultural tourism?

Photo courtesy of Xuchang Pangdonglai Xuchang Wenlv

  editorial comment/note

  Zibo kebabs, Harbin ice and snow tour, Gansu Tianshui Mala Tang, Henan Xuchang Pangdonglai supermarket tour … The hot spots of cultural tourism in every city are constantly refreshing the cognition of people in the industry.

  Brand building of urban cultural tourism is an important way to enhance the image and competitiveness of the city. In the context of the continuous warming of cultural tourism, some typical cases have caught the "sky-splashing wealth" with their unique cultural charm, innovative marketing strategies and high-quality service experience, and promoted the urban cultural tourism to explode.

  From now on, the top news Henan Business Daily and the hometown Henan New Media Matrix will launch a series of observations, analyzing the "explosion" samples emerging in urban cultural tourism, and providing path reference for the construction and development of urban cultural tourism brands.

  Top News Henan Business Daily reporter Wang Yingying

  "The last time Xuchang was so hot, it may be traced back to Cao Cao’s capital here 1800 years ago."

  "Its disadvantage is that my city doesn’t have it!"

  In Xuchang, "Fat Donglai" is called "6A Scenic Area" by netizens without off-season. As a result, a new profession, Fat Dong came to study as a tour guide, was born here.

  Why is it that when other city tour groups take "pure play without shopping" as the propaganda language, Xuchang can make a business supermarket become a drainage artifact of urban cultural tourism, realizing the two-way flow of cultural tourists and stimulating consumption?

  Tourist attractions move towards urban cultural tourism and from cultural tourism to shopping malls.

  "Dear tourists, welcome to Xuchang, our Xuchang is a city with culture, history and temperature!" Wei Qiong, a research guide, dressed in a straight suit and with a cordial smile on his face, tells the history, culture and business story of Xuchang while leading tourists through the floors from Fat East.

  With the explosion of the Fat East, the "Fat East" tourist line was opened in many places across the country. In the past, when you traveled with a tour group and the tour guide took you to Shangchao, you would complain about the "compulsory consumption" of the tour guide. In Xuchang, not only a new profession like Shangchao research tour guide was born, but Shangchao research tour has also become a popular punching place.

  According to the statistics released by Xuchang, Henan Province, during the Spring Festival holiday, three merchants from Pangdonglai, located in Xuchang City, received 1,163,300 tourists in three days, surpassing the scenic spot with the number one tourist reception in Henan.

  In Xuchang, "Fat Donglai" is called "6A Scenic Area" by netizens without off-season. Why can a supermarket become a city’s cultural tourism punching place?

  Sun Zhen, executive director of the Cultural Tourism Branch of China Planning Institute, believes that whether it is a "supermarket tour" from Pangdong or a Fujian tourist god who was very popular at the beginning of the year, it can be seen that cultural tourism consumption is moving from tourist attractions to urban cultural tourism, from cultural tourism to shopping malls and others. The popularity of supermarket tours in Fat Donglai is a typical example of "tourist attractions moving towards urban cultural tours and from cultural tours to shopping malls".

  What is hot is not tourism, but new experiences.

  "At the moment, when we are thinking about how to break through the city’s cultural tourism, we should be good at finding the best entrance for tourists to experience the city’s cultural life in the most comfortable angle." The relevant person in charge of the new cultural travel era said.

  In 2023, Henan Cultural Tourism and Creative Development Conference proposed to enrich the business experience, vigorously develop new cultural tourism, and promote high-quality economic and social development with new cultural tourism.

  In recent years, all parts of Henan have actively explored the ways of "subversive creativity, immersive experience, young consumption, mobile communication" and other urban cultural tourism. By optimizing the supply of cultural tourism products, they have created a new scene of cultural tourism consumption, allowing tourists to wander in history and culture and satisfy their beautiful yearning for "poetry and distance".

  In recent years, Xuchang City has been continuously digging deep into the cultural resources of the Three Kingdoms to make the history and culture "alive". At the same time, it has combined the resources of the Three Kingdoms culture, Cao Wei culture and other resources to explore and create a number of new formats, new scenes and new models such as "Shang Chao+Wen Lv" and "Shang Chao+Yan Xue".

  In addition to "Fat East", when searching for Xuchang’s travel strategy on the online platform, topics such as "Xuchang hairpin flowers", "Night tour of Caowei ancient city", "Xuchang’s water bus" and "Xuchang’s happiness is not limited to Fat East" have attracted widespread attention. "After visiting the Fat East, visit the ancient city of Cao Wei, experience a hairpin makeup and take a night tour by water bus" has become the choice of many tourists.

  The ubiquitous warmth and culture are the biggest attractions for tourists.

  How can urban cultural tourism find the "explosion" in the city and build it into a written tourism brand IP?

  Sun Zhen believes that from the perspective of communication methods, we are in the era of new media, Z era and cultural self-confidence. From the perspective of the cultural tourism industry, there are still problems such as the sameness and homogenization of cultural tourism projects in the industry. The proportion of tourist attractions in the cultural tourism industry is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more new projects and new experiences coming across the border.

  From the popularity of the "supermarket tour" in Fat Donglai, it is not difficult to see that young people are more willing to pay for the emotional resonance and thinking recognition behind it. It is true that the ubiquitous warmth and culture is the biggest attraction for tourists.

  In recent years, more and more commercial spaces have become tourist punch points and even scenic spots in online celebrity. These places will no longer only meet the needs of "leisure shopping" as a whole, but will move towards urban tourism benchmark destinations integrating "culture, experience and commerce". Sun Zhen believes that both the upgrading of scenic spots and cross-border projects are driven by scenes, and the creation of urban cultural tourism brands should break the inherent thinking and create new cultural tourism scenes through immersion, experience, simplification, warmth and theme.

First Shanghai: Maintain Galaxy Entertainment’s "Buy" rating target price of HK$ 56.08.

  First Shanghai released a research report saying that Galaxy Entertainment (00027) was maintained as a "buy" rating, and its performance in the fourth quarter of 2003 met expectations with a target price of HK$ 56.08. The launch of the third phase of "Macau Galaxy" w ill help the group to increase its market share. Due to the Group’s good products and services, the most stable balance sheet in the industry, the strong executive ability of the management, and the launch of the fourth phase project of Ludang, Hengqin project and potential overseas projects in the future; The bank is full of confidence in the long-term development of the group.

  First, the main points of Shanghai are as follows:

  Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003: Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003:

  Galaxy’s net income increased by 254% year-on-year and 7% quarter-on-quarter to HK$ 10.3 billion (back to 80% in the same period in 2019) . The number of VIP gambling transcoding increased by 408% year-on-year and 6% quarter-on-quarter (back to 21% in the same period of 2019); The revenue from midfield betting increased by 398% year-on-year and 5.2% quarter-on-quarter (up by 13% compared with the same period in 2019). The adjusted EBITDA of the Group increased by 1.4% from the previous month to HK$ 2.8 billion (returning to 69% in the same period of 2019), and the EBITDA rate was 27%. After deducting the influence of low winning rate, EBITDA will increase by 100 million yuan. The overall performance is in line with expectations. The balance sheet of the Group remains very stable, with net cash of HK$ 23.5 billion (the strongest in the industry). In addition, because the Group is full of confidence in its future development, it announced another special dividend of 0.30 yuan per share. The annual dividend payout ratio reached 32%, which was higher than expected.

  Performance survey of "Galaxy Macau" and Star Hotel;

  During the period, the net income of "Macau Galaxy" and Star Hotel increased by 7% and 2% respectively from the previous month to HK$ 8.2 billion and HK$ 1.3 billion (re turning to 88% and 47% respectively in the same period of 2019); The adjusted EBITDA was HK$ 2.57 billion and HK$ 350 million respectively (returning to 80% and 45% in the same period of 2019, respectively). The EBITDA rates were 31.4% and 28.1% respectively. The occupancy rates of Galaxy Macau and Star Hotel are 95% and 100% respectively. At the end of l ast year, the group has added catering facilities in "Macau Galaxy" and transferred the high-end midfield gambling area located in the center; And re-planning the distribution of venues in the gambling area, hoping to improve the flow of people and customer experience. The Star Hotel also has plans to update its facilities.

  The update of the third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy";

  The third phase of "Macau Galaxy" will launch a high-end hotel (with about 100 rooms) in 2025, which will be provided to very high-end midfield customers and self-operated VIP customers. The Group is also continuing to advance the construction o f the fourth phase of "Macau Galaxy", which is expected to be completed in 2027. With a development area of about 600,000 square meters, this project will introduce a number of high-end hotel brands that have entered Macao for the first time, with a 4,000-seat theater, diversified catering, retail, non-gaming facilities, gardens and water play parks. The capital expenditure in 2024 is estimated to be about 6.1 billion yuan (of which 5.1 billion yuan will be used for th e third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy" and the rest will be used for the renovation of other facilities.

  Other points:

  In the fourth quarter, the group’s market share should drop to below 18%, but due to the group’s good products and the launch of new projects in the future, it is believed that the market share will pick up in the future. It is understood that the hotel occupancy rate of the group reached 100% during the Spring Festival; The performance of the midfield business has increased by 20% compared with the same period in 2019. In order to expand overseas visitors, the group has set up offices in Tokyo and Seoul to develop overseas business, and is preparing to set up an office in Bangkok.

Must-see in summer: tips for preventing drowning

Tips for preventing drowning



Drowning is the "number one killer" of children’s accidents. Summer has arrived, the weather is hot, children’s outdoor swimming and other activities have become frequent, and drowning accidents have entered a high incidence period. Parents must always remind, educate and pay attention, enhance safety awareness and guardianship awareness, earnestly assume guardianship responsibilities, strengthen education and management of children, and prevent accidents caused by drowning. I hope the following drowning prevention tips can help you.

NO.1 main points of drowning prevention

1. It mostly happens on weekends, holidays or after school;

2. Most of them occur in unattended rivers, ponds and other wild waters;

3. Most of them occur in rural areas;

4. Most of them occur in the process of students playing together;

5. Most of them occur in primary school students and junior high school students, and most of them are boys.

NO.2 "six noes" for preventing drowning

1. Do not swim in the water without permission;

2. Do not swim with others without authorization;

3. Do not swim without parents or teachers;

4. Do not swim in the waters without safety facilities and ambulance personnel;

5. Do not swim in unfamiliar waters;

6. Students who are not familiar with water are not allowed to go into the water for rescue.

NO.3 drowning prevention measures

1. Swimming should be led by adults;

2. Don’t play alone by the river or the mountain pond;

3. Do not go swimming in non-swimming areas;

4. Those who can’t swim, don’t swim to the deep water area, even if they are carrying lifebuoys, it is not safe;

5. Make proper preparation activities before swimming to prevent cramps.

NO.4 drowning self-help method

1. Don’t panic, call for help immediately when you find someone around you;

2. Relax your whole body, let your body float on the water, float your head out of the water, kick the water with your feet to prevent physical loss and wait for rescue;

3. Get rid of the heavy objects in shoes and pockets in time. When your body sinks, you can press your palm down.

4. If you suddenly cramp in the water and can’t land, call for help immediately. If there is no one around, you can take a deep breath and dive into the water, straighten the cramped leg and pull your toes up with your hands to relieve the cramp.

NO.5 rescue method for drowning in others

1. When you find the drowning person, you should call for help at the first time, seek the help of the surrounding adults, and call 110 to call the police. Don’t blindly go into the water to rescue;

2. You can hand the bamboo pole to the drowning person, provided that you ensure your own safety. When handing the bamboo pole, you should lie on the ground and lower your center of gravity to avoid being dragged into the water.

3. If floating objects such as foam blocks, lifebuoys and wooden blocks can be found at the scene, they can be thrown to the drowning person to prevent the drowning person from sinking into the water;

4. If there are no bamboo poles, floating objects, etc. at the scene, you can take off your clothes and connect them as a rope and throw them to the drowning person. Remember to lie on the ground to ensure your own safety.

Here, we also propose to the general public:

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. I hope all citizens and friends will pay attention to it at any time. If you find minors (especially small boys in groups of three or five) swimming, splashing and playing in ponds, rivers, reservoirs and other places without guardians, please stop them in time! Action by the whole people, starting from you and me and starting from the side!

Let’s act together,

Cherish life and prevent drowning, starting from me!


"Digital Baby" has a box office of over 100 million. Welcome to Japanese animation season.

Special feature of 1905 film network Just after the Double Eleven, after shopping around in a blur and paying with distressed hands, did the last payer find that it is really the most cost-effective "buy buy Buy" to spend a little money on a movie ticket to watch a favorite movie?

It’s early winter, and before the Lunar New Year’s Eve, with a group of Japanese animation films that missed the Children’s Day due to the epidemic (Infinite, the second feature-length animated film produced by Studio Colorido (also known as "I want to cry, I put on a cat mask"), they gave up the cinema and went online on watermelon video on June 18, and today’s headlines). Since November, they have appeared on the big screen almost once a week, and the box office just broke at the beginning of this month.

Digital Baby: The Last Evolution

When Yagu beast, which is about to disappear forever, looks at the back of the grown-up Taiyi and says "Taiyi, you have grown up", I believe all the friends in the cinema can’t stop their tears, because at this moment, every audience has entered the perspective and psychology of Taiyi, saying goodbye to childhood, lush years and past self.

As a work commemorating the 20th anniversary of Digital Baby, this theatrical animation which landed on the mainland on October 30th can be described as bearing the memories of a generation of youth. This emotion has far exceeded the bloody elements such as friendship, faith and courage in the story, and also far exceeded the suspenseful flip plot and gorgeous and colorful modeling special effects. As pointed out at the end of the film: Dedicated to all the "children" who grew up with the digital baby, this is "the last story of Taiyi". This kind of emotional card and Riman’s consistently excellent production also made the film get a high score of 7.5 in Douban.

The future, the future

Judging from the posters with the same style, we can guess that this film continues the fantasy idea of director Mamoru Hosoda’s "traveling through time and space". This cartoon, which was released in the mainland last Friday (November 6th), continues the style of Mamoru Hosoda’s fantastic works, tracing back to the wonderful emotional fate of the family from the vertical and historical perspectives of time.

The film got a good score of 6.6 in Douban, and the Annie Award for Best Independent Animation Feature Film was also the best affirmation. Interestingly, Mamoru Hosoda’s second daughter is also called the future, and his eldest son was just four years old when he conceived this film, which happened to be the age of the male host Xiaojun in the film. In his view, four years old is the age when seriousness and hedonism overlap — — It can be said that the film fully reflects Mamoru Hosoda’s family view and parenting view.

Mamoru Hosoda once mentioned that this film was inspired by Yang Dechang. "11" selects children as the perspective to observe the family and the world around them. Young and innocent, he always pays more attention to those neglected aspects than anyone else. Our little gentleman saw the past and future of family members through his childish observation and imagination in time and space, and let this endless stream of family history come to young and ignorant boys and every audience.

Son of the sea beast

The comic book of the same name, adapted from Daisuke Igarashi, will be released in the Mainland next Friday (November 20th). Directed by Ayumu Watanabe, the original painting and painting director of the TV series Doraemon since 1979, the film tells the story that a young girl named Liu Hua meets two mysterious teenagers "Hai" and "Kong" by chance, and follows in the footsteps of the two teenagers, swimming among the stars and seas and getting a glimpse of the world and life. This film and Penguin Road, which was released in the mainland last year, formed a four-part series of the Riman River System.

This cartoon, which reproduces the 50-year-old pen, shows the possibility of its own cartoons and animations. By focusing on the relationship between nature and human beings, it tries to tell the story in a dynamic and delicate way, and the beautiful and gorgeous picture itself forms a story, especially the energy in the picture of the film at the climax will impress many people. The soundtrack of Joe Hisaishi’s operation and the theme song written and sung by Mijin Xuanshi are even more exciting.

Doraemon: Nobita’s New Dinosaur

When digital babies have been with us for 20 years, the Doraemon, whose predecessors have influenced generations, has been serialized for 50 years. The upcoming release on December 11th is the 50th anniversary of Doraemon comic series, and it is also the 40th work of Doraemon series.

The film tells the story of the adventures of Nobita and his party in the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago in order to find the companions of twin dinosaurs Xiaoxiu and Xiaomi. Doraemon is a Japanese national IP. This movie is the fourth time that the theatrical version of Doraemon series uses dinosaurs as the theme, while the first three times are Doraemon: Nobita Dinosaur, Doraemon: Nobita and Dragon Knight, Doraemon: Nobita Dinosaur 2006.

The director and screenwriter of this film are also Imai Ichigo, who was the director in the previous film, and Genki Kawamura, the screenwriter. This is their second time to participate in the production of Doraemon. In the 40 years since the first theatrical version of Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur was released in 1980, there have been many breakthroughs in the study of dinosaurs in archaeological circles, among which the theory that "birds are a species that has survived the evolution of dinosaurs" is the creative origin of new dinosaurs.

Baokemeng: the counter-attack evolution of super dreams

Two days ago (November 10, 2020), it was announced to confirm the introduction to the mainland, and posters were released. As the 22nd animated film in Poké mon series, this film is the only theatrical animation based on the plot remake of the past theatrical version in a real sense, and it is the full-film 3DCG remake of the first theatrical version of Pokémon: The Counter-attack of Super Dream in 1998.

Pokémon, the most widely known IP, is the cute pet Pikachu and the most popular character. The first live-action movie released last year was aimed at evoking the feelings of people who grew up in the 1990s. However, in the movie, the actor changed Xiao Zhi into a black youth, telling the story about the affection between father and son that is easier for non-fans to empathize with the audience. Of course, for fans, it is still a clever and successful adaptation.

In addition, there are also "Destiny’s Night — — Cup of Heaven 3: Song of Spring. In recent years, Conan series has basically landed in the mainland market every year, and Destiny’s Night — — The first two parts of the "Cup of Heaven" series have also met with domestic audiences for two consecutive years, and this year’s failure to "renew the contract" has undoubtedly been affected by the epidemic.

With the box office surprise of Digital Baby: The Last Evolution exceeding 100 million, we can still see the box office strength and emotional charm of Doraemon, Treasure Dream, Detective Conan and so on. Behind this, it belongs to the appeal of animation itself. With the strong rise of other countries, I believe that China’s animation power will form a series of explosive IP like Riman, and gradually increase its own influence in the film market from home to overseas.

[See you at 8 o’clock] A lot of information! These hot issues were answered by the press conference of the National People’s Congress

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


  A lot of information! These hot issues were answered by the press conference of the National People’s Congress

  On March 4th, the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress held a press conference, and Zhang Yesui, a spokesman, answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

  ● How to deal with the increasingly tough US policy toward China?

  It should be noted that the interests of China and the United States have been deeply intertwined. I think a conflict and confrontation between China and the United States is not in the interests of either side. In addition, there is definitely no way out to deal with new problems under the background of globalization with the old thinking of the Cold War.

  I think the essence of Sino-US economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win, so we hope that both sides will continue to step up consultations and reach a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement.

  ● What are the considerations for formulating the foreign investment law?

  The enactment of the foreign investment law is to innovate the legal system of foreign investment and replace the "three laws on foreign investment" (the law on Sino-foreign joint ventures, the law on foreign-funded enterprises and the law on Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises) and become the basic law for the utilization of foreign capital in China in the new era.

  ● The "Belt and Road" has caused some countries to fall into a "debt trap"?

  The "Belt and Road" adheres to the principle of mutual cooperation, joint construction and sharing, and also adheres to the market-oriented operation mode.

  Whether it is project selection or investment and financing cooperation, it is a decision made jointly by the participants.

  China attaches great importance to the sustainability of debt, and will not impose on others in project cooperation, let alone create any traps.

  ● Will China’s rising defense expenditure threaten other countries?

  China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development and implemented a defensive national defense policy. China’s limited defense expenditure is solely for safeguarding the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the country and will not pose a threat to other countries.

  ● Is the Personal Information Protection Law submitted for consideration this year?

  The National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) has included the enactment of a personal information protection law in this legislative plan, and relevant departments are studying and drafting it with a view to its early promulgation.

  Important progress has been made in the case of Kang Mingkai, a Canadian national, suspected of committing a crime.

  According to relevant departments, since 2017, Kang Mingkai has often entered the country with an ordinary passport and a business visa, stealing and spying on China’s sensitive information and intelligence through his contacts in China. Spavor Michael Peter Todd is an important intelligence relation of Kang Mingkai, who provides information to Kang Mingkai. Kang’s behavior is suspected of stealing and spying on state secrets and intelligence for overseas, which has seriously violated the laws of China. The relevant departments stressed that China is a country ruled by law, and will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal activities that seriously endanger national security. At the same time, it will handle cases in strict accordance with the law and in a civilized manner, fully protect the legal rights of Kang Mingkai and Michael, and arrange consular visits and other related matters according to law. The case-handling department will start the next judicial procedure in due course according to the handling of the case.


  China plans to launch 8-10 Beidou navigation satellites this year

  According to the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office, this year, Beidou satellite navigation system will continue to build high-density global networks, and it is planned to launch 8-10 Beidou navigation satellites, complete the launch of all MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) satellites, further improve the constellation layout of the global system, and comprehensively improve the service performance and user experience of the system.

  National Medical Products Administration: Three drugs, such as Weitongning tablets, were converted into prescription drugs.

  According to the website of National Medical Products Administration, National Medical Products Administration recently issued an announcement on converting three drugs, such as Weitongning tablets, into prescription drugs and revising the drug instructions. The announcement clearly stated that Weitongning tablets, Huazhishuan and Xiaoshuan Tongluo preparations (tablets, capsules and granules) should be transferred out of the over-the-counter drug list and managed according to prescription drugs, and the above drug instructions should be revised at the same time.


  Putin signed an order to suspend the performance of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

  Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order to suspend the performance of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty on the 4th, which took effect on the same day. According to the Kremlin website, in order to take emergency measures to deal with the violation of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by the United States, Putin signed relevant orders.

  South Korea and the United States launched the "alliance" exercise, the scale was reduced, and the schedule was halved.

  South Korea and the United States launched the joint command post exercise codenamed "Alliance" on March 4th. Compared with the previous "key decision" exercise, the exercise schedule was halved and the scale was reduced. South Korea and the United States recently announced that the joint military exercises codenamed "Key Decision" and "Vulture" will be stopped from this year, and the "Alliance" joint command post exercise will replace the "Key Decision" exercise.

  China, a skyscraper built horizontally, surprised foreigners!

  According to, recently, some foreign media were surprised to find that the world’s first horizontal skyscraper is about to be built in Chongqing, China. This covered bridge-shaped building with a length of more than 300 meters connects four skyscrapers at an altitude of 60 stories, instantly turning the building complex into a 3D "sail". The British "Daily Mail" used a full three-line headline to describe it like this: "China construction workers are about to build a huge commercial complex costing 2.7 billion pounds, and an incredible ‘ Horizontal skyscrapers ’ " .


  A college in Guangxi requires students to carry schoolbags in class? School: It is not mandatory.

  Recently, an article entitled "A college in Guangxi requires students to carry schoolbags in class? School: I feel like playing around with a book in class. "The video became popular on the Internet. Some netizens questioned that this behavior is a mandatory requirement of the school and it is difficult to implement. In this regard, the school issued a statement saying that students are not forced to wear schoolbags, and they advocate the nature and voluntary principle from beginning to end.

  The Forbidden City celebrates its 600th birthday: The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival will be exhibited again.

  Next year, the Forbidden City will celebrate its 600th birthday. The Palace Museum revealed on the 4th that it will launch dozens of high-quality exhibitions to show the charm of the 600-year-old Forbidden City. These exhibitions will be exhibited in the main hall of Wumen, the East-West Swallow Wing Building, the Wenhua Hall, the Wuying Hall, the East-West Six Palaces, the Shenwumen and other places, among which the highly sought-after "The Night Banquet of Han Xizai" and "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" will meet the audience again in 2020.


  The Spanish Embassy in China congratulated Wu Lei on his first goal: inspiring! Cheer for you

  Last Saturday night, Lei Wu scored a goal to help Spain win Balado Lide. On the morning of March 4, Weibo, the official of the Spanish Embassy in China, also sent a congratulatory message to celebrate Lei Wu’s first goal in La Liga — — "Extra: Football player Wu Leicheng became the first China player to score in La Liga! The news is inspiring, and everyone must have heard about it. Let’s congratulate him and cheer for him and China! "

  Li Junlin broke the national indoor record of men’s 800m.

  The fourth race of the 2019 National Indoor Track and Field Championships was held in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi. The biggest surprise of the day came from the men’s 800-meter preliminaries. Li Junlin, the champion of the event in the 2018 National Athletics Championships, set a new indoor national record with a time of 1 minute 49.62 seconds.


  Director Zheng Xiaolong talks about actors’ tax evasion: paying taxes according to law should start with children.

  On the 4th, Zheng Xiaolong said that the reasons for tax evasion in the entertainment industry are: ① Some people are unwilling to pay taxes; (2) There is overlap or inconsistency between national tax policies and local tax policies; There is no education that should be taxed according to law in our education since childhood. He suggested that children should be given ideological understanding early, so that when they have more income, they will have the concept of paying taxes according to law.


  [Yang Jie] Chairman of China Telecom was transferred to Chairman of China Mobile.

  On March 4th, Yang Jie, the chairman of China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., was officially transferred to China Mobile as the chairman. On the morning of the 4th, China Telecom held a farewell ceremony to see Yang Jie off to take office in the China Mobile Office Building next door. Shang Bing, the 64-year-old former chairman of China Mobile, will retire at the age of.

  [Luo Yazhou, Ying Xianyue, Wang Tongxiao] The three old people who kicked the door to put out the fire and save people received a bonus of 10,000 yuan: donated

  On March 2, two octogenarians in Depingba Community of Quzhou caught fire in bottled liquefied gas. They panicked, climbed out of the window and shouted for help on the canopy on the second floor. Hearing the call for help, neighbors Luo Yazhou, 75, Ying Xianyue, 88, and Wang Tongxiao, 74, went retrograde at the first time, kicked the door into the room and put out the fire to save people. Even firefighters praised them for their "wisdom and courage and proper command".

  According to a report in qianjiang evening news on March 5th, a platform plans to give 10,000 yuan to reward the old people. When the old people learned of the bonus, the result of negotiation was to donate the bonus to the community to transform the infrastructure. If there is any surplus, it will be donated to Master Sun’s house that caught fire.

  [Ling Lao and Zhang Lao] Two "comfort women" survivors were found in Hunan.

  Recently, in Yueyang, Hunan Province, 89-year-old Ling Lao and 91-year-old Zhang Lao bravely stood up, uncovered their scars and told their unfortunate experiences of being forcibly taken as "comfort women" by the Japanese army when they were girls. Up to now, there are only 15 survivors of "comfort women" registered in Chinese mainland.

  [Words] 4-year-old boy speaks English so fluently. Netizen: I am not as good as a baby.

  Recently, the video of a 4-year-old boy teaching English by words and deeds became popular on the Internet. In the video, it is surprising to speak pure English, and many netizens praise "English is better than me". Yan Yan’s mother said that Yan Yan can spell 2000 words now, and there is no need to learn English by rote. If English is integrated into life, children will naturally remember it.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Cai Chunlin

All four teams won at home, and Real Madrid continued to follow Barcelona.

Last night and early this morning, there were four rematches in the 25th round of La Liga. The four home teams all scored points-Real Madrid beat the Spaniard 3-1 at home, while elche tied Balado Lide 1-1 at home; Certa beat Vallecano 3-0 at home, while Valencia beat Osasuna 1-0 in Mestalla and escaped from the relegation zone.

In terms of standings, Real Madrid shortened the gap with Barcelona to 6 points. Vallecano and Osasuna both lost and still ranked seventh and eighth; Valencia’s home win pushed Seville and almeria into the relegation zone, and the two teams will also have a direct dialogue in this round.

Real Madrid C.F.




Real Madrid welcomes Spaniards at home. The Spaniard who fought away from home scored in the 8th minute, Ruben Sanchez crossed, and Jose Lu seized the opportunity to score 0-1. In 22 minutes, Venesius hit the right foot in the penalty area to equalize the score, 1-1. In 39 minutes, Chuameni assisted Militao to score a header, and 2-1, Real Madrid took the lead and entered the second half. In the 93rd minute, asensio, who came off the bench, received a pass from Na Qiao and scored another point. Real Madrid won 3-1 at home.


Real Valladolid Club de Fútbol



Elche, which ranks at the bottom, welcomes Balado Lide who has escaped from the relegation zone at home. Four minutes after the opening, Balado Lide was assisted by Olasa to score a goal by Lalin, 0-1. In 16 minutes, Plano hit the door slightly at a small angle. In 34 minutes, Boyer’s header missed. Elche trailed 0-1 in the first half. In 59 minutes, Boyer’s long-range shot was blocked. In 84 minutes, Raul Guti hit the door in the restricted area and was thrown. In 96 minutes, Morent volleyed and scored a tie, 1-1. Since then, Mesa and Hogela have been sent off for the second yellow card in this game. In the end, each side will get one point.

Certa Vigo




Certa, who played at home, took the initiative. In the 5 th minute, Bega’s long-range shot was saved. In 11 minutes, Lejon hit the door slightly higher outside the restricted area. In 41 minutes, aspas missed the goal from the left side of the penalty area. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. In the 51st minute, Harvey Garland assisted aspas to score a goal from the left in the restricted area, 1-0. Then, carles Perez’s shot caused a Sis own goal, 2-0. In 85 minutes, aspas scored his second goal in this game, and Certa beat Vallecano 3-0.





In the 6th minute, Diaca missed the header. In 11 minutes, Abd shot high. In 33 minutes, Hugo Duro shot in the restricted area and was saved. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. Easy side fight again, 55 minutes, Avila shot high from the left side of the restricted area. In 74 minutes, Lino assisted Kluivert to score the only goal in the game, 1-0. In 89 minutes, Valencia got a penalty opportunity, and Hugo Duro was saved from the penalty, and the score remained unchanged. In the end, with the goal of Kluiwitt, the Bat Corps, which ranked second to last, won the game 1-0 and gained 3 valuable points.

Is it really easy to turn graphics into video?

How many content creators keep up late to cut videos of liver explosion? Have you ever thought that one day we can get rid of this heavy work and be done by AI instead? In fact, judging from the development status of AIGC industry, the above imagination is entirely possible to become a reality, and it may be in the near future.

From the perspective of Xiaobian, the content editing industry will go through three stages of development, and we are currently in the initial state of the second stage.

The first stage: pure manual editing

In the traditional sense, it is the manual editing of staying up late to burst the liver. The quality of editing depends on the level of editors and the time spent. This stage is characterized by "high labor intensity" and "a lot of repetitive work". It is precisely because of this pain point that with the progress of technology, the pain point of "excessive physical labor" was first solved by AI. After all, what AI is best at is simple and repetitive labor.

The second stage: manual +AI collaboration stage

AI is good at simple and repetitive movements, but AI is not only good at simple and repetitive movements. So the development of video editing industry has entered the stage of "manual +AI collaborative editing". From the clipping used in our daily life to some commercial clips in the toB field, we can see that AI smart clips are active among them.

Watson, an artificial intelligence system of IBM, edited the trailer for the sci-fi thriller movie Morgan as early as 2016. The technical team collected 100 thriller movie trailers for Watson to machine learn. Watson’s unique training model tagged the details of these trailers, such as picture, audio, scene connection, sound configuration, etc., decomposed and learned one by one, and assigned them to its own creative model. Finally, Watson successfully used the trained data model to select materials from 90-minute movies, and edited them into a 6-minute trailer, which was successfully put into use for film announcement.

Up to now, this kind of intelligent matching tool platform has evolved to the extreme, and ordinary users can simply use AI function for intelligent editing. On the local AI intelligent graphic-to-video platform, one frame per second is the highest, and the user inputs the edited copy. AI will automatically perform intelligent picture matching from the platform’s powerful online material library, presenting its own intelligent video generation results in seconds, and matching all-round details such as pictures, dubbing, subtitles, etc. in one stop. Users can directly export and use it with simple confirmation, especially in the production of popular science content and simple sharing content with low editing difficulty.

At the same time, AI, as an auxiliary tool of intelligent editing, is also blooming in the development direction. At present, all kinds of AI-enabled editing software emerge in an endless stream, some of which support intelligent graphic-to-video, some of which focus on recording and cutting, and some of which can simulate the voice of the user for dubbing modification and adjustment. The "scoop" can also be quickly corrected through AI. In short, the current AI intelligent editing industry is in a thriving development trend. It can be said that with the progress and integration of technology, AI will be fully involved in the field of intelligent editing, and our video editing work will be greatly released.

The third stage: pure AI editing stage

In the future, AI will run video editing in the whole process, even the currently difficult "audit" work. This is a bold idea put forward by Xiaobian, which has certain subjectivity. The main idea of this view is that the compliance and rigor of AI creation are unmatched by human editing. At present, AI editing is still in the primary stage, so human assistance is needed in content review and sensitive screen screening. However, the speed and capacity of AI learning is far beyond that of human beings. With a large number of legal provisions and review rules being learned by AI, the whole process of video editing will be completed by AI.

AI can even avoid problems such as audit omission caused by human fatigue and negligence. Even, while recording and cutting, real-time synchronization, the completion of shooting is a piece of export, which is not completely impossible. In addition to the research and development of AI automatic editing software, there may be AI shooting intelligent hardware devices, workstations and other products in the future, so as to maximize the convenience of video production. The development of AI technology makes us more daring to imagine its bright future.

In addition, what really makes Xiaobian feel that the intelligent editing industry will eventually rise vigorously is that the existing problems "seem" are not problems, and AI will eventually break them one by one with strong technical strength. When the AI industry was just beginning to develop, we were worried that AI would replace some human jobs. At that time, the prediction given by the technology industry was that "art, creativity and other jobs that need to exert human imagination will not be replaced".

However, at present, AI’s original painting has become a reality, and the field of artistic creativity has become the first industry to be impacted. It can be seen that AI’s "imagination" is far beyond our imagination, and the speed of technology iterative update is much faster than expected. The future is really coming.