"In the car we made ourselves!"

The cornerstone of the First Automobile Factory engraved with Mao Zedong’s inscription

In May 1958, China’s first "Dongfeng" brand car was successfully trial-produced

In the early days of the founding of New China, Mao Zedong said: What can we make now? We can make tables and chairs, tea bowls and pots, grow grain, grind flour, and make paper, but we can’t make a car, an airplane, a tank, or a tractor.

Achieving socialist industrialization is a natural requirement and a necessary condition for a country to become independent and prosperous, and is the foundation and premise for building a modern socialist power. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, the state concentrated its resources to establish an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system in a short period of time, achieving rapid growth of the national economy, which was of far-reaching significance to China’s later industrial development.

The cornerstone of the "First Automobile Factory Groundbreaking Memorial" displayed in the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, inscribed by Mao Zedong, is 120.5 centimeters long, 70 centimeters high, 5.5 centimeters thick, and weighs 250 kilograms. The texture of white marble is an important witness to the history of industrial construction in New China.

On June 15, 1953, Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee, formally proposing the general line for the transition period. Faced with the lack of funds, technology and talents, to establish China’s own industrial system, it is necessary to formulate detailed plans and concentrate the limited human, material and financial resources to build a number of urgently needed major projects.

Under the personal guidance of Mao Zedong and the direct help of the Soviet Union, the first five-year plan was formulated by Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, Li Fuchun, etc., and the strategic decision to give priority to the development of heavy industry was made. Adhering to the policy of "self-reliance first, and foreign aid as a supplement", the preliminary industrial layout was completed. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, a total of 694 large and medium-sized construction projects were arranged, and 921 were actually constructed, including 156 construction projects aided by the Soviet Union, focusing on the development of heavy industry, energy, raw materials, machine manufacturing and other basic industrial projects.

In 1953, the People’s Daily published a New Year’s Day editorial announcing that China had begun to implement the first five-year plan, calling on the people of the whole country to work together with one heart and one mind and actively strive for the realization of industrialization. Building a prosperous and strong modern industrial country is the dream of several generations of Chinese sons and daughters. Faced with the "poor and white" family background and the heavy blockade in the world, the Chinese people have a common dream, a foothold in the sky, and energy. Facing difficulties, the Chinese people have carried out large-scale industrial construction in full swing across the country.

As early as Mao Zedong’s first visit to the Soviet Union, he visited the Stalin Automobile Factory. At that time, he pointed to the cars that drove down the assembly line and said to his entourage: "We also want to have such a large factory!" On July 15, 1953, the first automobile industrial base of New China, Changchun First Automobile Factory, held a groundbreaking ceremony in a barren suburb of Changchun. Mao Zedong personally wrote the cornerstone inscription. Instead of adopting the proposed "Mao Zedong Automobile Factory" or "New China Automobile Factory", he named it the First Automobile Factory because he said: "We will soon have a second and a third."

600 million yuan was invested in the construction of the FAW, which is equivalent to one yuan for 600 million people in the country. On July 13, 1956, we forcefully announced that the first car in New China was successfully trial-produced. "From today onwards, the history of China’s inability to manufacture cars is over, and our own cars will be driven out of here more and more day by day." Mao Zedong personally picked up the pen and wrote the word "Liberation". The first batch of 12 "Liberation" brand cars drove off the assembly line and became an eternal and precious freeze frame in the history of the Republic. The rejoicing masses, as the song made up at that time sang: "Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the domestic car that I hoped for really left the factory." Just one year later, Changchun FAW completed the production of 4,000 vehicles stipulated in the first five-year plan six months and five days ahead of schedule.

In 1958, the Changchun FAW Factory produced China’s first domestically produced car, the Dongfeng brand car. After the manufacture was completed, it was instructed by the central government to be shipped by train to Beijing. When it drove off the platform, it was almost unable to leave the Beijing Railway Station due to the enthusiastic crowd competing to watch. Dongfeng originated from Mao Zedong’s famous statement on the international situation – "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". The word "Dongfeng" on the front of the car was originally Chinese pinyin. On the eve of the Dongfeng car arriving in Beijing and driving into Zhongnanhai, according to the suggestion of the then director of the General Office of the Central Committee ***, in order to highlight the cars produced by the Chinese themselves and replace them with Chinese characters, FAW staff went to the People’s Daily overnight to photocopy Mao Zedong’s original handwriting of "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". It was replaced in an auto repair shop in Dengshikou, and a golden dragon was about to be vacated in the front of the car, which was very Chinese. Mao Zedong took it in person and said happily: "We took a car made by ourselves!"

While the automobile industry was booming, various industrial categories were also in full swing. On December 26, 1953, the three major projects of Angang, consisting of a large rolling mill, a seamless steel pipe plant, and a No. 7 blast furnace, were completed and put into operation. At the same time, new steel production bases were deployed, and a new layout of the steel industry in New China was initially formed. The petroleum industry, chemical industry, and weapons industry have all achieved a certain degree of development, focusing on the construction of emerging industrial sectors such as aviation and electronics, and the creation of new cutting-edge industries in the nuclear and aerospace industries. In 1956, Shenyang Aircraft Factory produced the first new jet fighter; in 1958, the first Dongfanghong tractor was born in the first tractor factory located in Luoyang City… In that fiery construction era, China, which used to import iron nails and matches, achieved one zero breakthrough after another, and gradually established an industrial economic system under the leadership of the socialist state-run economy, which made our country’s industrial economy recover and develop rapidly under extremely difficult conditions.

Today, steel dragons meander vertically and horizontally, phoenixes spread their wings at Daxing Airport, Chang’e Tiangong catches the moon in nine days, and flood dragons and snow dragons catch turtles in five oceans. Over the past 70 years, China’s industry has achieved one "zero breakthrough" after another, and Chinese manufacturing and Chinese creation are gradually leading the world.

(History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, contributed)

Recently, I want to buy a car and change it. The three most worthwhile cars in 2023 are coming.

In recent years, with the continuous development of automobile technology, many new models have been introduced by major manufacturers, some of which have attracted much attention at the end of the year. This paper will comprehensively analyze three high-profile models from different angles, namely Nissan Sylphy, Tesla Model Y and Volkswagen LaVida.

appearance design

First of all, let’s take a look at the design of these three models.

Nissan Sylphy is highly praised for its dynamic appearance. The body lines are smooth, dynamic and steady, giving people a visual impact with a sense of fashion and luxury. Tesla Model Y adopts a fashionable design concept, and its unique lines and bold appearance make it a beautiful landscape on the road.

Volkswagen LaVida attracts attention with its exquisite appearance, and every detail has been carefully carved, making the overall appearance more luxurious and atmospheric.

Luxury of interior

In addition to the appearance, the interior design of the vehicle is also an important factor to consider when buying a car. Nissan Sylphy also performed well in the interior, and the sense of luxury was beyond words.

Selected materials and exquisite craftsmanship make the interior space a private luxury space for drivers and passengers. The interior design of Tesla Model Y highlights the sense of fashion and technology. The large central control screen and high-quality interior materials give people a sense of the future. Volkswagen LaVida, on the other hand, takes its luxury interior as its selling point, and its wood grain decoration and high-grade seats make driving a luxury enjoyment.

Configuration richness

In terms of configuration, these three models also strive to stand out in the same class. Nissan Sylphy is rich in configuration, including advanced safety system, intelligent driving assistance and other functions, providing drivers with a more comprehensive car experience.

Tesla Model Y has attracted much attention for its leading electric vehicle technology. Its advanced automatic driving system and strong endurance make it one step ahead in technology configuration. Volkswagen LaVida, on the other hand, pays attention to safety performance and is equipped with advanced driver assistance system, which makes driving more secure.

Cost performance analysis

When buying a car, consumers often pay more attention to cost performance.

Nissan Sylphy shows excellent cost performance with its dynamic appearance, luxurious interior and rich configuration. Although the price of Tesla Model Y is high, its advanced electric vehicle technology and endurance offset the high price to some extent. Volkswagen LaVida provides a good choice for consumers with its plain price and rich configuration.

Comparison of endurance

In the current trend of electric vehicles, endurance has become a crucial indicator. Tesla Model Y stands out with its strong endurance, providing consumers with longer driving mileage, making electric vehicles a more practical means of transportation.

In contrast, Nissan Sylphy and Volkswagen LaVida are slightly inferior in this respect. Although they are sufficient in daily use, there is still room for improvement compared with the future development trend of electric vehicles.

Safety performance comparison

In the automotive field, safety performance has always been the focus of consumers’ attention.

These three models have excellent performance in safety performance. Nissan Sylphy has passed the advanced safety system and a number of safety tests to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers. Tesla Model Y provides drivers with more comprehensive protection with its intelligent driver assistance system and advanced collision safety technology.

Volkswagen LaVida also pays attention to safety performance and is equipped with a number of driver assistance systems to make driving more secure and reliable.

Based on the above analysis, Nissan Sylphy, Tesla Model Y and Volkswagen LaVida each have unique advantages in design, interior luxury, configuration richness, cost performance, endurance and safety performance.

When buying a car, consumers can weigh the advantages and disadvantages of these aspects according to their personal needs and preferences, and choose the model that best meets their own needs. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the automobile industry will also usher in more innovations and changes, and the future models will be more intelligent, environmentally friendly and safe, providing consumers with a richer driving experience.

List of must-play games in 2022. What stand-alone games can’t be missed this year?

This content comes from @ What is worth buying APP, and the opinions only represent the author himself | Author: Lone Star Tears

The year 2022 has come to an end, and this year’s games have also been sold. Generally speaking, it is a relatively calm year. The top-quality games like 3A masterpieces have emerged one after another, and there are many transplanted games on various platforms. If you are a steam player, it’s really fun. The following is a list of stand-alone games that must be played this year. Please check it out.

Best of the year, I didn’t expect to be able to play in March until December. I thought the interest in the wilderness could be compared but it was postponed, so Hidetaka Miyazaki won another award of the year and won! To tell the truth, the Elden ring that has been polished for so long is also worthy of the name. The game experience of the open soul world is not weaker than that of the wilderness. Well, the bug numerical balance has also been fixed, and we can look forward to the launch of DLC.

The God of War was expected by many people before its launch, but after its release, its reputation was uneven, mainly because the black people in the west were too correct to ruin the game experience. More importantly, bilibili UP sent a 30-minute video denouncing the boring plot for ruining the game. When the firepower was so fierce, it had to be the last time "The Last Survivor 2" was released.

Putting aside the boring correctness, this sequel continues the regular gameplay of the last one, with high-definition image quality and semi-open world design. The degree of innovation is not much, the monster repetition rate is high, and the plot pit is not filled enough. It’s a bit like the feeling of a large DLC in the last one, but it’s still fun, and it’s a qualified 3A masterpiece anyway.

After the release of Plague Legend 2, the word-of-mouth rose linearly, and the previous work received rave reviews. This work brought a novel experience to the players, much better than Ares 5. Well, it’s no problem to rank second in the year, although this IP is quite new, but the game industry is always talking about strength.

The plot follows the previous one. This time, I fled in the picturesque French scenery. Each character has unique skills, and the rats are even more shocking. Chinese dubbing and beautiful soundtrack add gameplay, and later it changed from historical color to magical color. The conversion is a bit true, but overall, it is fun and must be played!

This year, two new year’s treasure dreams were sold. At the beginning of the year, Arzeus and November Zhu/Zi got a good evaluation unexpectedly. As long as they are not too shoddy, fans will accept this series of treasure dreams. Both of them adopt the open world gameplay and take risks in a world full of treasure dreams. This novel experience is still very good. From the sales volume, it can be seen that fans really take this set.

It’s a must-play, but it’s only for fans or players who like this kind of pet collection. In addition, these two works are exclusive versions of switch, and you have to have a switch to play.

It’s a pretty good independent boutique game. The gameplay is against games such as Hades and action Roguelite. Every death will inherit new features, which is reflected in the game that the characteristics of future generations are strengthened. Each future generation has different skills or attributes. Experience new equipment and new skills in the brush, and you can’t stop playing for a few minutes or more. Compared with the previous work, this second generation has richer level design, more diverse occupations and skills, and a variety of upgrade systems. You can explore and try it again and again, and it is an excellent work in general.

A boutique stand-alone jrpg game produced by an independent game developer with a humble budget is simply a horizontal version of the game. The score on the game website is as high as 9.7 points. No matter the plot, music, art or gameplay are carefully polished, the overall play is a kind of cool feeling of playing PSP clearance games when I was a child, which is very nostalgic! This game is considered as a dark horse this year. Although it is unpopular, its quality is extremely excellent. Support it and you must play it!

Follow-up: This year, some games, such as The Lost Light 2, The Desperate Horizon to the West and Sniper Elite 5, are also high-quality games, but they are not listed due to the limitation of space. With the support of some domestic games, Taiwu Huajuan and most of them are quite good-quality games produced this year. The transplanted fun games include Triangular Strategy, Two-person Tour, and Exotic Record of Goddess 5.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational exchange and harmonious discussion among value friends ~

Comparison of Virtual Human Technology in Application Scenes: Fengping Intelligent VS Xiangxin Technology

Virtual human technology is a new technology based on artificial intelligence, which has been applied in many fields, such as medical care, education, finance, local life, customer service and so on. In the virtual human technology, Fengping Intelligent and Xiangxin Technology are two famous enterprises.

Xiangxin technologyIs a company focusing on the development of virtual avatars and virtual assistants, and its virtual human technology is mainly used in intelligent customer service, intelligent shopping guide, smart home and other fields. The virtual human technology of Xiangxin Technology mainly has the characteristics of vivid image, friendly interaction and rich expression.

In the virtual human creation module, Xiangxin Technology quickly realizes the creation of high-quality and high-precision digital people with the help of single photo character modeling technology, AI-assisted surrealism modeling technology and deep learning technology. Various virtual human styles including 3D cartoon, 3D surrealism and 2D real people meet the business needs of virtual people in different scenes. At the same time, it supports the face-driven, body-driven and voice-driven driver-interaction of virtual human, and creates a virtual human solution that can be seen, understood, thought, performed and answered for all walks of life.

In contrast, the virtual human technology of Fengping Intelligent is more extensive and can be applied to many fields.Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can realize many functions such as medical diagnosis, education and training, financial management, local service and so on, and it is more advanced and mature in technology.

In the medical field, Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can be used to replace real doctors and do some short video science popularization, intelligent consultation, health management and other things.

In the field of education, Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can be applied to online learning, intelligent tutoring, adaptive learning and other aspects to provide students with more personalized learning services. For example, it is no problem to replace the teacher to complete the repetitive work, or to take the place of the teacher in the online course.

In the financial field, Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can be applied to financial product recommendation, investment advice, risk assessment and other aspects to provide users with more comprehensive and accurate financial services. For example, if the insurer wants to make a short video, he can make a short video in batches through digital avatar, and quickly lay the content.

In the field of local life, Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can replace real bloggers to explore shops. Local life merchants need to turn on traffic, and generally invite real bloggers to visit the store, which is costly and ineffective. If you have a digital person, you can easily bring goods in the field of short video and live broadcast.

To sum up, the virtual human technology of Xiangxin Technology has certain advantages in the fields of virtual avatars, virtual assistants and spokespersons, but it is more comprehensive, advanced and mature in the extensiveness of application scenarios, the maturity of technology and the services and functions that can be provided.

Fengping intelligent virtual human technology can be applied to medical treatment, education, finance, local life, customer service and other fields, providing users with more comprehensive, efficient and intelligent services, with broader application prospects.

In the development of virtual human technology, the maturity of technology, the diversity of application scenarios, the richness of services and functions are all important factors that determine the competitiveness of enterprises. Xiangxin Technology and Fengping Intelligent are constantly promoting the innovation and application of virtual human technology. I believe that more enterprises will join the research and development and application of virtual human technology in the future to promote the continuous development of virtual human technology and provide users with more intelligent and personalized services.