Reporter investigation: It is difficult to return to taxi hailing in various places. What should be done to reflect on the new policy of online car hailing?

   CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu, Li Wenliang, Wang Xiaoying, Gao Yuting, Intern, Qi Chenji) "It has always been suggested that there are no cars nearby." This is a common feeling among many citizens who choose to ride online recently. Even during off-peak hours, it is not easy to take a taxi, and "the time to call a car has become longer" is becoming the norm in many cities.

  Data from Didi Chuxing shows that the difficulty of hailing a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has increased to varying degrees. In June this year, the difficulty of morning and evening peak taxi hailing in four places increased by 12.4%, 17.7%, 13.2% and 22.5% respectively compared with the same period last year. In Beijing, after the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing, the passenger order of online car-hailing platforms fell by about 10%.

  A year after the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, there are various signs that the previously surprising golden period of online car-hailing development is rapidly coming to an end. In some cities, online car-hailing is difficult to get, and drivers must increase their fares to accept orders. And the behavior of traditional taxis such as refusal and bargaining has not been significantly improved by the legalization of online car-hailing.

  What’s wrong with the online car-hailing market, and how should it be managed? Can returning to "taxi-hailing difficulty" make relevant departments reflect on the new policy?

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

  Online taxi: "There are no cars available nearby"

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport and seven ministries jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). China became the first country in the world to recognize the legal status of online car-hailing nationwide. Subsequently, detailed implementation rules have been issued in various parts of China. According to media statistics, 133 cities have announced new policies on online car-hailing.

  Recently, CCTV reporters visited the online car-hailing market in many cities in China and found that the number of online car-hailing has decreased significantly since the implementation of the New Deal for more than a year, making it difficult to take a taxi.

  From August 19th to 22nd, the reporter tried to play Didi Express at different times and locations in Beijing for three consecutive days. Only around 10 am on the 19th, a driver took the order at Chaoyangmen Subway Station in Chaoyang District and came within two minutes. The rest of the time, such as the morning peak on the 21st, at Landianchang South Road, Haidian District, the order with Didi Express has always been displayed as "no car available nearby"; at 7 pm on the 22nd, at the south of Hangkong Bridge, Didi Express also displayed "no car available nearby".

  At the same time in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter used Didi to take a taxi many times with only one success. At 7:30 am on the 22nd, Yanzi West Road, with Didi to call an order, no one took the order twice in a row, showing "no car available nearby". At around 8 o’clock, there was still no one taking the order at the intersection of Ping and Shandong University, which also showed "no car available nearby". In addition, the reporter also found in real time in many other areas that the mobile phone client side showed that the express train "There are fewer vehicles nearby and the waiting time is long". Only at 3 pm on the 22nd, the reporter used Didi to call a taxi near Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.

  At around 3:00 pm on August 24, the reporter used Didi Taxi to book a taxi in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and tried three times without anyone taking the order. Then he used Didi Express four times, each time at an interval of 5 minutes, and still no one answered. Most of the time, the map showed that there were no vehicles nearby.

  That day in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, the reporter sent out orders during off-peak hours. The mobile phone software showed that the vehicle would arrive within 1 to 4 minutes, making it easier to take a taxi. However, in places slightly away from the city, such as Beita Lake, Huabo Park, and Shenyang Road, no one answered the order after 1 minute.

  Why is it not easy to play online car-hailing? The subsidy is less, and the threshold is higher.

  Compared with the "golden period" two years ago, online car-hailing is obviously not so easy to get. What is the reason?

  Mr. Zong, 33, lives in the high-tech zone of Jinan City. He is a part-time driver of Didi Express and has been driving fast for more than a year. At first, he took the car to join the express team because his friend had a good income from driving fast. He said that at that time, because of various subsidies, his income was very good. At one point, he wanted to quit his job to drive fast. The most impressive order was to pull passengers to catch the train during peak hours, and the customer gave 2.5 times the reward.

  But this year, the "money scene" has begun to dim. He is glad that he did not quit his job. Many of his friends who drove fast cars in the past have already found other jobs. Mr. Zong believes that the main reason for the current lack of online car-hailing is that subsidies are less, and driving cannot earn money.

  "Sometimes I work until the early morning at night, and sometimes I can earn about 100 yuan for running on weekends. If I make this money, if I get a violation of regulations or something, I won’t be able to scratch it." Mr. Zong said that in the future, it will depend on how the implementation rules of Jinan are determined. According to the requirements in the exposure draft, his own private car will definitely not meet the conditions, and the cost will definitely increase greatly if it is converted to a operating vehicle. If it is not cost-effective, it will not be opened.

  Mr. Li of Yinchuan, Ningxia, has been running an express car for three years with his own 50,000 yuan private car. He chose to change careers this year because "there is no subsidy and he can’t make money." Mr. Li told reporters that many people buy cars worth tens of thousands of yuan to run Didi Express. According to the rules, the peers he knows are not up to standard.

  A staff member of an online car-hailing agency in Yinchuan City told reporters that the current Didi platform has begun to block the express numbers of substandard vehicles one after another. Among the drivers of Didi Express in Yinchuan, 80% of the cars or drivers do not meet the online car-hailing standards.

  The decrease in the number of online car-hailing, on the one hand, makes consumers feel that the car is not easy to play, but also makes other express drivers who choose to stay feel better. In Beijing, Yu Sijia, who was born in 1989, has been driving online car-hailing for a year and a half. At the end of last year, he successfully obtained the online car-hailing driver qualification certificate with a high score of 90 points. He told reporters that even if he has a good order income on weekdays, he still likes to take orders at night, because there are fewer owners who come out to take orders than in the past.

  Mr. Yang of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, who bought an Audi A4 sports car, said that compared with the past, there are significantly fewer people in sports cars, and the work is easier than before, because the threshold has been raised. "You drive a car with tens of thousands of dollars to run a special car. To be honest, it is not fair to us. Fortunately, many people quit after the details came out."

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  Expert consultation: The threshold should be kept as low as possible

  Is it right to strictly control online car-hailing through high thresholds? Is there any indisputable place in the new policy of online car-hailing?

  According to data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 130 online car-hailing platform companies planning to carry out online car-hailing business, and 19 online car-hailing platform companies have obtained business licenses in relevant cities, but only 100,000 online car-hailing driver licenses have been issued in various places. On the demand side, as of December last year, the number of online taxi booking users reached 225 million. A mere 100,000 licensed online car-hailing drivers are facing the demand of more than 200 million people. Even with taxis, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is also very sharp.

  "The regulations of’Beijing Renjing License ‘and’Shanghai Renren Shanghai License’ have caused a large number of original online car-hailing drivers to be unable to continue on the road, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand," Ye Qing, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told CCTV. Professor Ye Qing has written to the National Two Sessions for eight consecutive years to demand "bus reform" and is known as the first person in China’s bus reform. He said: "The management department has relatively high requirements for online car-hailing, but I think there is a way to solve this problem, that is, what is the standard of taxis in the city? The standard of online car-hailing is based on this standard, which is not lower than or parallel to the taxi standard, because a city’s taxis should pay attention to both economy and safety."

  Ye Qing said that too harsh conditions are suspected of being unfair. As long as the driver of the online car-hailing car has no illegal record and meets the driving age and other conditions, he can drive the online car-hailing car after passing the test. "To improve the online car-hailing system, especially when formulating regulations at the local level, the threshold should be lowered as much as possible."

  Cheng Huiqiang, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, also said in an interview with the media that the government should conduct big data analytics and urban transportation capacity assessments while strengthening supervision, so that the transportation capacity can be matched with the city’s transportation operation to meet the public’s travel needs.

  Xu Kangming, the Ministry of Transport’s chief expert on deepening taxi reform, told the media that if the city’s transportation capacity can be fully tapped, the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties can be solved. He believes that the transportation capacity of cruise taxis and compliant online car-hailing has not been fully released. It is necessary to let the full potential of legal compliance be realized, and at the same time, it is necessary to allow some time for vehicles and personnel that meet the new regulations to enter the market.

Enter the factory in person to "screw the screws"! Yu Chengdong: Invested another one billion!

In order to ensure the speed and quality of new car delivery, on October 13, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of End Point BG, and chairperson of Automotive Intelligent Solutions BU, reappeared in the Sailis Smart Factory to personally supervise the speed and quality of vehicle production.

According to reports, for the fast and high-quality delivery of the new M7, Huawei and Cyrus have long been prepared. Huawei empowers quality control to ensure quality, Cyrus intelligent manufacturing is responsible for ensuring delivery, and the entire supply chain has added more than 1 billion yuan. Yu Chengdong said at the factory: "We are working overtime, several shifts are starting production in a row, so that everyone can drive the new car home as soon as possible!"

"The order has exceeded 60,000"! Yu Chengdong personally went to the Cyrus factory to "screw"

Recently, the new M7 has been a hit, and sales have continued to soar. Since its release on September 12, orders have exceeded 50,000 + in just 25 days. The surge in orders will face the phenomenon of delivery climbing, and many users will begin to worry about whether it can be delivered on time.

Previously, Yu Chengdong revealed in WeChat Moments that since the release of the new M7 on September 12, the first sale has exceeded 50,000 Dading in only 25 days. According to Yu Chengdong’s latest disclosure, the first sale of the new M7 has exceeded 60,000.

Hot sales have also put huge pressure on Sailis to deliver. Some consumers said they have been waiting for 14 days and refresh the website every day to see if there is a new delivery schedule.

In order to ensure that the M7 can be delivered on time and with high quality, Yu Chengdong also took personal action.

On October 13, Yu Chengdong reappeared at the Cyrus Smart Factory to personally supervise the production speed and quality of vehicles.

Yu Chengdong said: "Our orders have been very good recently. The first sale has been ordered for 60,000 units. Thank you very much for your support! We are working overtime to carry out high-quality production and delivery. We have now invested another 1 billion yuan in the entire supply chain. The entire supply chain has added 20,000 workers, and the factory has also added production shifts. 22 hours a day. We are going all out to let everyone drive the new car home as soon as possible!"

Delivery may take 4 to 6 weeks.

"The delivery of the new M7 is expected to take 4 to 6 weeks. At present, because there are too many orders, although the factory has been producing 24 hours a day, you still need to be patient." Recently, the reporter visited the Huawei Smart Life Museum in Luohu Jinguanghua Plaza in Shenzhen, and a salesperson told the reporter.

"On the National Day, I was so busy that I didn’t even have time for lunch." The salesperson said that there were too many customers to see and test drive the car. Although the delivery time of the car has been extended, there are still many new customers willing to wait. "If you want to pick up the car earlier, it is recommended to make an order as soon as possible."

The reporter learned that the current delivery time of various new energy brands also varies.

Among them, the delivery time of Tesla Model Y is 2 to 8 weeks, and the delivery time of different models is also different. The delivery time of the rear-wheel drive version is 2 to 6 weeks; the delivery time of the long-life version with dual-motor all-wheel drive is 6 to 8 weeks, and the delivery time of the high-performance version is 2 to 6 weeks.

The delivery time of Li Auto, the representative of the new car manufacturing force, is currently relatively stable. The current estimated delivery time of the brand’s three models is 2 to 4 weeks.

Intelligence becomes the focus of competition

On October 13, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released a brief analysis of the production and sales of new energy vehicles in September 2023.

Data show that in September 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were completed 879,000 and 904,000, respectively, an increase of 4.3% and 6.8%, respectively, an increase of 16.1% and 27.7% year-on-year. From January to September, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were completed 6.313 million and 6.278 million, respectively, an increase of 33.7% and 37.5% year-on-year.

In September 2023, among the main varieties of new energy vehicles, compared with the previous month, the output of pure electric vehicles decreased slightly and the sales volume increased slightly. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by double digits, and the output of fuel cell vehicles increased rapidly and the sales volume decreased significantly. Compared with the same period of the previous year, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles increased to varying degrees, and the production and sales of fuel cell vehicles decreased significantly. From January to September 2023, among the main varieties of new energy vehicles, the production and sales of the three major categories of vehicles all increased by double digits compared with the same period of the previous year.

At present, intelligence has become the focus of competition for new energy vehicles.

"Connected and intelligent vehicles are increasingly being recognised by everyone, especially as assisted driving is becoming an important factor for consumers to consider when buying a car," said Xu Lin, rotating president of Cyrus Automotive.

Market analysis points out that after years of cultivation, China has the ability to lead the world in the field of automotive electrification. In recent years, our country’s automotive industry has made breakthroughs in high-performance on-board chips and intelligent driving systems, which has strongly promoted the improvement of the level of automotive intelligence. After electrification, intelligence is becoming the "second half" of competition. As the focus of user attention, intelligence will also become the focus of competition among car companies.

A new occupation of outdoor sports: managing people

"In the past, participation in outdoor activities was led by the team leader. Now I hear a new name’ outdoor manager’. What is the difference between this and the team leader?" Recently, the reporter interviewed several senior managers in the circle with this question.

An Chenran, the manager of Wingray Frisbee, told the reporter: "The team leader and the outdoor manager are different in identity and work content. The work of the tour leader is to ensure the smooth progress of the activity and take care of the safety of each participant, including the prior route arrangement, departure time and itinerary. The outdoor manager has a wider scope of work, not only planning and executing activities, preparing sports equipment, setting up scenes, serving customers, making meals, etc., but more importantly, operating communities, managing daily affairs, customizing business customer activities, expanding the influence of brand activities and planning the future development of brand activities. "

With the rapid development of outdoor sports in China, outdoor managers came into being with the needs of the market. "After 2021, more and more people want to go out to exercise, but they don’t want to go far away. They hope to find a group of like-minded people and enjoy their leisure time together, and the outdoor manager becomes the person in charge of organizing this activity. " Lin Zhao, product manager of an outdoor travel platform, said, "The outdoor camp manager and outdoor mountaineering manager in the activity now … they undertake different projects but have the same job responsibilities. They generally have a stable job with good income, and the outdoor manager is only their part-time job. Doing this job requires strong activity planning skills and social communication skills. After a good plan is positively responded by everyone, it can quickly organize an event and competition. "

Recently, Liu Wei, the manager of Hangzhou Badong Women’s Frisbee Community, organized a special invitational tournament for women’s frisbee. In the early stage of the event, Liu Weixian posted relevant event information in the group and social media, and made an activity plan. On the opening day, she came to the stadium in advance to set up the corner of the Frisbee. "This competition has the first women’s frisbee team in China, the champion team of China Women’s Frisbee Open in 2023 and the third runner-up of China Women’s Frisbee Open in 2023. The competition is both intense and interesting. The fee for this competition is 80 yuan per person, with half price for students. Our team consists of team committees, accountants, designers, disciplinary committee members, etc. If we count the venue rental fee every time, sometimes it is a loss to hold a game. The income of the manager is mainly the total income of an activity MINUS the coach fee and venue fee. Although there is not much left in the end, I will always stick to it because I am willing to play, run and compete with you. " Liu Wei said.

In addition to organizing Frisbee competitions, Liu Wei’s outdoor manager work is also responsible for daily professional training of Frisbee. With 17 years’ experience in frisbee, she has participated in hundreds of domestic competitions and won more than 30 championships. As a coach of the China women’s team in the 2023 Asian Oceania Frisbee Championships (Philippine Station), she has carved her love for frisbee into her bones. "We organize training every Thursday, and the training content in the last two weeks is the practice of passing and receiving. To tell the truth, as an outdoor manager, the biggest feeling is fatigue after a day’s work, but I want more women to experience the happiness of Frisbee and let every participant become the leader of the competition. I hope the charm of women’s Frisbee events can attract more people to participate. " Liu Wei said this. (From March 21st, China Sports Daily, 07 edition)

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Attention, mobile phone slaves! Press the HOME button often. Experts say be careful of this disease.

  Cctv newsNowadays people’s lives are gradually surrounded by intelligent tools such as computers and mobile phones. As the screen of smart phone is getting bigger and bigger, while users enjoy the pleasure of big screen, there are some information age diseases such as "mouse hand" and "mobile phone hand". Recently, some biomedical experts have warned that "mobile phone users" cannot be ignored.

  What is a "mobile phone hand"?

  It is a common thing for many people to type with their thumbs and press the HOME button on their smartphones every day. However, it is such a small action, repeated every day, the harm to the thumb can not be ignored. Thumb will have discomfort symptoms such as pain, which is what medicine says.Tenosynovitis of thumb”。

  In the past, the main group of tenosynovitis patients was middle-aged and elderly people who did manual labor, but now because ofTenosynovitis is gradually becoming younger due to improper posture of using mobile phones and frequent use of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers.

  Why do you get a "mobile phone hand"?

  Use the phone for a long time with one hand.

  Nowadays, with the popularity of smart phones, many citizens have developed the habit of playing mobile phones with one hand. In the long run, due to improper operation posture, there are more and more "mobile phone hands".

  Experts said that from the occurrence of tenosynovitis, it is mostly inThumb, middle finger and forefingerThree fingers, these people’s finger activities have several characteristics: First,fast; The second isHigh strength; The third isa long time. If you play mobile phone for a long time, it fully meets the above characteristics.

  The screen size of using mobile phone is too large.

  Nowadays, it seems to be a trend that the screen of mobile phone is getting bigger and bigger. The screen of smart phones is getting bigger and bigger, and citizens will face the threat of tenosynovitis while enjoying the pleasure of the big screen. For a small hand with a big mobile phone, the angle of wrist extension and finger movement will exceed the general angle range, which will cause excessive friction of tendon and extrusion of joint capsule for a long time, and if the finger repeats a certain action repeatedly, it will also cause finger nerve injury.

  Many net posts believe that for most users,The most suitable mobile phone for hand size is the 4-inch model, and the width of the mobile phone should not exceed the distance from the tiger’s mouth to the middle section of the index finger..

  speicalHome Tip: Change the posture of mobile phone use and beware of "mobile phone hands"

  In order not to be a "mobile phone user", the key is to change the operating habits and reduce the frequency of use. It used to be a mobile phone with one hand.It is best to hold the mobile phone in one hand and use the other hand to touch the screen of the mobile phone. It is best not to stroke with your thumb, but to "poke" the screen with your fingers..

  When you use your mobile phone, rest your thumb properly, type with the remaining fingers, or send messages by voice. Of course, it is also necessary to move your fingers frequently.

  Tip: How to avoid tenosynovitis in daily life

  1、Pay attention to the correct posture of fingers and wrists.Don’t bend or stretch back too much when doing housework such as washing clothes and cooking; Don’t carry things too heavy; Don’t use too much force on your fingers and wrists.

  2、Warm and hot compress:Get into the habit of washing your hands with warm water, not cold water. Pay attention to keeping your hands warm in winter and wear cotton gloves to prevent your hands from getting cold.

  3、Maintain a comfortable position:The nursing of tenosynovitis needs to avoid arm drooping. When sleeping, patients with tenosynovitis need to keep their arms close to their bodies and their wrists are not bent.

  4.、Self massage:The wrist joint rotates 360 degrees; Or make a fist with your palm and relax, and do it back and forth several times; Or a few times of finger back pressure or palm back pressure can effectively relieve hand pain.

  5、Take a timely rest and maintain a correct working posture.For long-term desk office workers, they should adopt correct working posture, try to keep their hands balanced, and their wrists can touch the real thing, so as not to be suspended. Take a break between work, put your hands on the table and rotate your head for 2 minutes.

On special New Year’s Eve, angels in white held his ground.

Seven medical staff on duty are eating "imprint" New Year’s Eve correspondent Yan Lingling for the picture.

Blessing cake sent by enthusiastic friends

  On New Year’s Eve, family reunion, having a reunion dinner, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year are the customs written into China people’s genes.

  However, on this special New Year’s Eve, about 80,000 medical staff in Wuhan are still sticking to their posts, leaving behind the figure of "the most beautiful retrograde". Encourage each other to welcome the new year with patients with new pneumonia, and send the fruit cake that was sent by enthusiastic friends to the family online for the New Year … … Give up reunion with relatives, only because of a common desire — —

  Stick to the battlefield and give more people the strength to overcome the epidemic.

  "I hope to win this war as soon as possible!"

  Medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital spend New Year’s Eve with patients.

  On New Year’s Eve, Changjiang Daily reporter made layers of protection and entered the isolation ward of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, and visited doctors, nurses and patients with new pneumonia on the spot for New Year’s Eve.

  At 11: 30, nurse Yang Anli came to the front door of the new pneumonia isolation ward with Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, put the couplets on the door and hung the red lanterns. Yang Anli is a provincial model worker. In 2003, she went to Beijing to fight SARS on behalf of Jinyintan Hospital.

  There are more than 30 patients with new pneumonia diagnosed in the South Third District, and the hospital has prepared an apple for each of them. After the protection, nurse Le Yanling made a victory gesture to the reporter, carried the apples into the ward, and distributed the apples to the patients one by one.

  At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter came to Nansi District. Four nurses put on protective clothing and sent the hot jiaozi to the ward, giving each patient a copy.

  The reporter learned that Jinyintan Hospital is the earliest "four centralized" hospital in our city to deal with the new pneumonia epidemic. The hospital went to work as usual during the Spring Festival. In the first line of the decisive battle against the epidemic, more than 460 medical staff were on duty every day.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Ke Aesthetics correspondent Li Jie Liu Lu)

  Dr. Han Yuan missed the group year video.

  Cake fruit sent from all over the country is "New Year’s Eve".

  "Professor Wang, come and have dinner!" At 5: 20 pm on January 24th, Professor Bing Wang, who rushed to Wuhan from Jingzhou Central Hospital, returned to the department. Cakes and fruits sent from all over the country became his "New Year’s Eve" this year.

  On the morning of 24th, Bing Wang got into intense work, and got off work at 12 noon. In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his rest for fear of the unstable condition of his seven patients, and missed the "video" of his family reunion in Jingzhou.

  "In the year of the 3 o’clock group at home, I didn’t receive a video call, and my family sent me a picture." Bing Wang said that his family’s annual meal was very rich, but his annual meal was not bad, which was very special.

  "How about cakes, fruits and dumplings? Not bad!" Bing Wang pointed to boxes of food on the table and said that these were sent by enthusiastic friends from all over the country. The first time I spent the New Year alone in a foreign country, I ate such an annual meal for the first time, but I was able to reunite with the medical staff who fought side by side. Bing Wang felt very warm. "I will finish my work later and video with my family."

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Wei)

  The "video dinner" family of three told each other to be 9 years old and asked their parents to pay attention to safety.

  "Mom, I’m eating New Year’s Eve." "Eating New Year’s Eve, did you say a blessing to your grandparents?" … … At 6: 50 pm on January 24th, Yang Qian returned home after a day’s frontline battle against new pneumonia, and she and her husband Liu Xinghua got through a video call with her son who was in Huangzhou for the New Year.

  Liu Xinghua is a radiologist in Wuhan No.1 Hospital, who is responsible for taking CT images of patients. Yang Qian is a radiologist, who is responsible for registering patients at the window. He needs to contact a large number of patients with fever every day. Because my grandparents in Huangzhou always talk about their grandchildren on the phone, the couple sent their children to Huangzhou as soon as the winter vacation was over on January 6.

  "I didn’t expect that after returning to Han, the number of fever patients increased day by day. We were often busy late at night to go home, and sometimes it took several days to call our son." Liu Xinghua said that his son pays attention to the news of new pneumonia on TV every day and reminds them to pay attention to safety every time he calls.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yu Wei)

  Take off the protective mask from the intensive care unit and eat the "imprint" reunion dinner.

  On January 24th, at 12: 20, the first wave of "reunion dinner" was served at a small table outside the intensive care unit (NCU) of the First Hospital of Wuhan. Seven medical staff on duty just took off their protective masks, leaving a deep impression on their faces. The annual dinner on the table is a box lunch provided by the hospital, with a banana and a box of yogurt for each person.

  At this time, 15 critically ill patients were admitted to NCU, including one suspected new pneumonia patient who received isolation treatment. On the same day, there were 15 medical staff, including Shan Ping, director of the ward, and Sun Chun, head nurse. In the afternoon, the medical staff transferred the suspected patients with new pneumonia to the designated hospital for treatment.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yan Lingling)

  The nurse fought for more than 20 days and didn’t go home. The family had a new year’s meal across the screen.

  On New Year’s Eve, Feng Qiong, the head nurse of the first ward of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, who has been stationed in the hospital for more than 20 days and has not returned home, still sticks to the front line. "Don’t worry about family matters, it’s all up to me!" At 7 o’clock in the evening, Feng Qiong, who had just finished her work, ate the New Year’s Eve dinner sent by her husband, while taking advantage of this rare gap, she connected with her relatives at home by video phone, and a family of four had a different kind of annual meal through their mobile phones. Feng Qiong, who has been engaged in nursing for 25 years, has successfully completed the medical treatment of flood fighting in 1998, SARS in 2003 and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, in the fight against the new type of pneumonia, she is still in the forefront, leading a group of "white warriors" in the department to the front line.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Luo Yao)

Handball evolved from rugby.

Handball is not only a football term, but also a sport. Today, in the column "Small Class of the City Games", the small body takes you to understand handball.
Handball Project Setting in the City Games
Caption: Handball Events Setting Table Source/Shanghai Sports (the same below)
Related collections of Shanghai Sports Museum
There are many collections and stories about handball in the Shanghai Sports Museum, and some of them are specially selected. Let’s have a look.
Caption: The French Handball Federation visited Shanghai to commemorate the card.
This is a commemorative card given to the French Handball Federation when it visited Shanghai. On the top of the commemorative card, there is a scene of a female handball player playing, and the French meaning below is "Thanks to the French Handball Federation".
Caption: Men’s handball ball in 2021.
This ball has been officially endorsed by the International Handball Federation and printed with accreditation standards, and can be used in official competitions. Handball is a ball game developed by combining the characteristics of basketball and football, which is played by hand and scored by the ball into the opponent’s goal. Handball originated in Europe at the end of 19th century and was introduced to China in 1950s.
This is the end of the collection. If you want to see the beauty of the collection up close, you are welcome to visit the Shanghai Sports Museum.
Cold knowledge about handball
1. Glue the players’ hands in handball competition.
A layer of glue is attached to the surface of handball. This layer of glue can well form friction with athletes’ hands, thus preventing handball from getting rid of in fierce competition. Handball has glue not only on the ball, but also on the players’ hands and on the court.
2. The size and weight of handball
Handball is smaller than football, basketball and volleyball, only half the size of football and weighs only 425 to 475 grams. Compared with the football volleyball, handball is small and light, so the rhythm of handball competition is faster and more offensive, and speed becomes the key factor to win.
3. Domestic unpopular minority sports are second only to football in Europe.
Handball is relatively small in China. It has both the laws of football and rugby, and its main features are "chasing" and "fighting". But in Europe, handball is the second largest team event after football.
"First time" in handball events
1. Time to enter the Olympic Games for the first time
In 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was first held as a competition in the Olympic Games.
2. When was the first World Championships held?
In 1928, the first World Men’s Handball Championship was held in Germany. In 1957, the first World Women’s Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
3. When did China handball team participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?
In 1984, the China women’s handball team participated in the Olympic Games for the first time and won the bronze medal, which was a milestone breakthrough in the history of handball in China.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Da Power Power is also the winner of life in the entertainment circle, and there are countless people who like her. However, this beautiful girl, Mommy, has liked Nicholas Tse since she was a child. Before she fell in love, she was asked about her love, and she often responded with "Everyone knows that I have a crush on Nicholas Tse". A few years ago, at an award ceremony, Yang Mi finally met his dream lover and presented the award to him as an award guest. On the stage, Yang Mi’s happy winner embraced his idol.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Anita Yuen’s strength is how to interpret idolize, pretending to kiss the male god when taking a group photo, which is also so cute.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Karry’s favorite actress is Yang Mi. When we met for the first time, Great Power not only signed Karry’s autograph, but also wrote a message of blessing that others couldn’t ask for, and called Karry big brother, which made Karry laugh into barbecued pork buns.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In cold Wu Zhenyu, there will be times when a girl’s heart will burst, and that is to see her idol Yao Ming. Feynman accompanied his father idolize when he was a child. How sensible!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  LAY, a little sheep, is also a small expert in idolize. Looking at the photo with Jay Chou, he looks like a little fan in the photo. Triggered netizens to ridicule: This is simply the number one idolize powder in the entertainment circle, no wonder it won ‘ Idolize model ’ .

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  AngelaBaby has a girlish heart, and she likes G-Dragon. Among the running men, baby will happily pose for a photo when he sees the portrait poster of G-Dragon. After seeing the real person of G-Dragon, Baby, who has always been a female man, instantly becomes a little girl, and she is so excited that she is at a loss. As a baby husband, Huang Xiaoming knew what his wife loved, imitated G-Dragon at the wedding and danced Big Bang.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Orfila burst into tears when he saw his childhood idol Jeff Chang Shin-Che singing.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Hebe cried when she saw Faye Wong. As early as 17 years old, she imitated Faye Wong in variety shows and sang Faye Wong’s songs in S.H.E concerts many times. In 2004, S.H.E and Faye Wong were selected at the Chinese Song Chart Awards Ceremony. Hebe met her idol Faye Wong for the first time backstage. When she succeeded in taking a photo with Faye Wong, she was so excited that she burst into tears backstage, crying scared Eason Chan who passed by her.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Wang Sicong has the strength to open the most "trench" way in idolize, and Wang Sicong, who doesn’t take the usual road, is like this in idolize: If you like it, sign it back! In 2015, Wang Sicong signed T-ara, a Korean beautiful girl group, and set up a brokerage company for it. Prior to this, Wang Sicong had appeared in T-ara’s concert, and also attended Amway’s tickets in Weibo, and invited them to sing … … I really can’t learn the idolize way of "national husband".

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In the program, Sweetheart is funny and funny, but when she sees her idol brother Roy, she is a fan girl in bold letters! Look at this little peek. The favorite thing to do at ordinary times is to send voice to Roy’s brother, as well as the little bear he gave him personally. There is no one left for idolize to be sweet!

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the FISU Football World Cup.

Shao Shiyu sent a message to celebrate Beijing Normal University’s championship. Shao Shiyu Weibo screenshot

The Beijing News On October 31, 2023, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University scored 7-6 (penalty shootout 5-4) to win the FIFA World Cup.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the competition. On November 1st, Shao Shiyu posted a message on social media to celebrate, "The champion belongs to us and may be late, but he will never be absent. I want both the champion and the MVP. " Shao Shiyu, born in 2000, is a midfielder and now plays for the women’s football team of Hangzhou Bank, a newly promoted female super player.

At the end of July this year, Shao Shiyu won the third place in the Women’s Football Association Cup with Zhejiang Women’s Football Team. Figure/Shao Shiyu Weibo

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Flying AI edge calculation terminal FCU3001 is coming! NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Design

If you are developing project development of artificial intelligence edge, then NVIDIA’s Jetson Xavier NX platform is absolutely ideal. As a Jetson series, Jetson Xavier NX has been favored by the majority of engineers with high-cost power and cost-effectiveness of up to 21tops.

Although NVIDIA has launched the Jetson Xavier NX system module, it is still a challenge to design a stable terminal product on the basis of some artificial intelligent R & D teams that lack hardware development experience. At this point, a mature and stable hardware device has undoubtedly brought great help to users who focus on algorithms and applications. Flying Embedded AI edge computing terminal FCU 3001 came into being.

Freon embedded AI edge computing terminal FCU3001 is an artificial intelligent edge computing device equipped with NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, with 6-core 64-bit ARM architecture processor, with 384 Volta core and 48 Tensor cores, calculations Force up to 21TOPS, configure 8GBLPDDR4 memory and 16GbemMC storage, is ideal for high performance computing and artificial intelligence in embedded and edge systems.

The FCU3001 created by Flying Mature Hardware Design Experience will help users easily realize the batch of computing applications of artificial intelligence.

The FCU 3001 is compact, with only 178 * 110 * 55mm, which is convenient to install or embed the equipment chassis. Excellent industrial design achieves stable no-fan cooling under the premise of ensuring the firmness and durability, ensuring that the product is stably operated at 21TOPS full load force.

The FCU3001 provides a wealth of functional development, including 4xethernet, 2XUSB3.0, 2XUSB 2.0, which is convenient for access to various sensors and peripherals, such as image capture, etc. At the same time, HDMI display is also supported, and the RS485, CAN industrial bus, one-stop control of visual identification + device linkage. It can expand storage devices such as installation of TF cards, SSD hard drives, so that data storage is not limited. Support dual-band WiFi and 4G / 5G communication, more flexible with cloud communication, allowing "5G + AI" to empower industry.

Ethernet, USB, RS485, CAN, etc. on the FCU 3001, all of the ESD4 level protection capability, contact discharge ± 8kV, air discharge ± 15kV, can meet most of the application scenario requirements for electrostatic protection, allowing equipment operation and more stable reliable.

The FCU3001 provides enriched development materials and development tools, including CUDA, CUDNN, TENSORT, and optimizes the package, so that users can download and use.

(Some information show)

Freon fully considers the user’s product-based maintenance, and the FCU3001 provides users with a U disk (Windows) update operating system, in addition to supporting the NVIDIA original OTG (need to use LinuxPC) Boot logo modify tool and operation guidance to meet user customization needs.

As an artificial intelligent edge computing device that can be applied to a variety of industries, the various artificial intelligent edge computing algorithms and procedures developed by the FCU 3001 are enabled, and the "magic" can be inspired, and the user will help users open technology in the relevant field. Robot, AGV, intelligent road conditions analysis, visual inspection, unmanned driving, smart medical, smart factory, smart city, more FCU3001 strong application, waiting for you to unlock!